I explained to Mommy that Prednisone is a steroid and she should know that some of the side effects are eating too much and weight gain, but she is not happy that I've continued to overeat long after the medication was stopped.
We all know what a problem it can become when Mommies get the idea that you're eating too much. No matter how well you have her trained, the treat supply dries up!
With good reason, I'm very concerned.
Do these furs make my butt look too big?
Samson, I think you look purrfect! Glad to hear that the medicine was effective.
Ah Samson, you have only gained a pound. We are sure that you will be down to your normal weight in no time. Your butt looks fine to us!
Rumblemum says you look even more handsome than usual (and yet she's thinking of putting ME on a diet cause I'm nomin' all the time now since Inigo needs extra feedings)
How your mom can be sure , you gain weight !
I think it might be winter coat build up. That's why your butt look big. Tell her " It's Illusion !!!! "
Poor Samson. It's terrible when you feel deprived of food. But your health comes first. Your floofs make you look regal, not plump.
We just think there's more of you to smooch! The thought of the treat supply drying up is horrifying to us!
Oh noes! Just say the word dude and we'll sneak you in a toy that's filled with TREATS instead of stuffing......your Mom will never know.
Awwww beautiful Samson!! Me and Charlie think you are just perfect as you are!! We think you have the floofiest furrs and deserve lots of treats for being very good with your medication!! Yay for you!!
We are also saying a big hello to gorgeous Delilah, bella Bella and Sweat Pea! Take care
Maybe you just grew more fur and that's why you weighed more? We think you look pawsome, Samson!
Samson, your butt doesn't look big at all. Just lots and lots and lots of gorgeous floof. We think you are so handsome. Take care and have a fun week.
It's all fur Samson...I think there was something wrong with that scale at the v-e-t!
I think you look great too, darn cameras do that!
It's fall floof growth! You look fab to me, as always sweet Samson.
Samson, dude--you just got it goin' on. The ladycats love YOU! And not, your butt doesn't look too big! :)
Samson, don't worry! there's just more of yoo to love!
Nay - your butt is just perfect!
Get my mom to explain to your mom - Mom's been on prednisolone for over 6 years!
Muahaha - I can't say the same about her butt though.
Love, Lucky
oh Samson I feel your pain! I am a "fluffy" kitteh myself! lol
Glad to hear your meds cleared up the itchies, could it be that the meds are still in your system?
Samson, we're glad your itchies are gone, but we're sorry you gained some weight! I went to the v-e-t last week and I gained a pound too! Maybe you and I should start an exercise program so we can drop this extra weight? Do they make kitty treadmills??
You are not fat - just big bones. Glad to hear your itchies are gone.
We think you look so handsome, Samson!
Mancats don't do diets, do we? (from Yuji)
Purrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
No way Samson, you are just PERFECT!!!
Sampson, We Gals LOVE a nice big ManCat. Fie on treat deprivation! The important thing is the itchies are gone.
If you want, we'll come over and playplayplay...that'll work that nasty old pound off.
Dear sweet and handsome Samson, we think you look purrfect just as you are. And you're right, Prednisone does that to a kitty and to people.
Tell her to take a chill pill....MOL
We love y'all bunches and bunches.
Samson, you look purrfect to us! Our mommy tried to stop our treats but we wore her down. Soft cries gets her every time - even at 4am.
WE don't think those furs make your butt look big, at all. They make you look cuddly and handsome!
Oh Samson!
You look absolutely mancatly. My bro is on the husky side and well, I'm a bit zaftig myself. Anyway, our vet said that soft food has less calories than dry kibble. So, now we get a little bit of kibble and soft food twice a day. We wish you luck Samson...don't let the mom starve you.
Your friends,
Shilgiah, Tommy and Hope(the skinny one)
It's obvious that you're big boned, Samson! Mommy should take that into consideration. Withholding treats is definitely not warranted!
We think it's just floof.
And we also think you look tuxilicous!
Samson, you look as handsome as ever to us! It's probably the camera ... we hear those things add 1.4 pounds!
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