While I'm looking forward to the holidays, it turns out that I will have to go back to the vet this Thursday for some tests. Mommy found a lot of scabs near my ears and the base of my tail. While I'm not scratching like I did the last time, I am scratching a little bit so she wants to get the cells tested so we can figure out if it's an allergy, an immune problem, a fungus or a stress-related illness.
I told Mommy that I really didn't want to be any trouble (Of course, Santa is listening so I have to be good) but she said that I'm never trouble and she just wants me to feel good again.
Santa? Did you hear that?
Oh noes Samson! We're sorry you have to go to the vet but hopefully they can find out what is going on and fix you all up. We know you're always a good boy and Santa will bring you lots of presents. We also think you look so handsome in that last photo! *swoon*
Rats! We hope the Vet can figure out what's up with you Samson. Maybe it's girl cooties from all those girls you live with? If that's the case maybe you should come and visit us because there are no girl cats here.
Awww sweet Samson!!! Me and Charlie are sending you tons and tons of purrs and hugs for your trip to the vets!! We hope that they will help you and make you all better! You are a handsome kitty and have been good all year and deserve tons of pressies from santa!! :-)
We are also saying a big hello to gorgeous Delilah, bella Bella and Sweet Pea! Take care
Poor Samson ~ we hope yoo will be better soon. better to get treatment than feel poorly though.
Mom said if it's stress yoo could try wot Milo has, Evening Primrose Oil (500mg) in yoor food once a day. It werks wonders.
Samson, we hope the vet can figure out what's going on with you and help you feel better. We agree with Ray and Busby...probably cooties from all those girlcats. Zoey gives us cooties once and awhile.
Oh sweet Samson! I hope mommy and the vet can find out why you are getting the sores all over you ~ not fun! I am thinking since you are such a good kitty and not complaining about your sores, Santa will be extra good to you this year!
Banjo and I are keeping our fingers and paws crossed for you!
xo Catherine
Aw, Samson, we're sending you lots of purrs for the v-e-t visit and test results. We hope it's something easy to identify, so you can get better soon!
Beautiful Samson, we know that you are never any trouble!!! It is not so nice to have to go to the vet again but hopefully they can figure out what is wrong and fix you right up :-)
These skin difficulties can be very annoying and frustrating. Jimmy just got his diagnosis finally and now we are treating him and hopefully soon it will be better :-)
Samson, we are so sorry to hear that you have to go to the V-E-T. We sure hope they can figure out what is wrong and just fix it right now. We do not want that Samson sick. Samson you will get all kinds of pressies from Santa because you are always so good and handsome too. Please keep us posted and Mom will tell the donkeys to cross their hooves for you. Meanwhile we will be sending purrs and crossing our paws.
I sure hope the vet figures it out so you can feel all better and not have to visit the vet for a good long while!
We hope they find out what is making you itchy!
I'm so sorry you are still having problems.
Mom sent your mom an email message asking a favor.
you adorable baby you are not causing your Mom any trouble!
It isn't your fault that you have the sores and Santa knows that!
I hope they get to the root of the problem so that you can start to feel better and your sores will clear up! xoxo
We hope the vet can find out what is causing your itchies. We know you are a good boy, so Sandy Claws is sure to know too.
Oh no Samson! We're purring that it turns out to be nothing and is easily treated.
We know you are a total sweetie, Samson and that Santa will be good to you.
We are purraying that the results at the vets will be easily treatable.
Love to y'all.
Samson, we all want you too feel good again. A sweet mancat like you can't be any trouble at all. All the best for your vet visit.
Siena & hilli
Your mommy is very wise to try to catch this problem before it becomes a big one.
I hope it is something that is easily remedied, so you can be 100 PURR cent for Christmas!
All we want for Christmas is for Samson to feel better!
Dude! I hope you're feelin' better and not doing the scratchin' thing. Let your mom take care of you--and ALL those torties baby you too!!
Samson, we just want you to be good and healthy too!!!!!!! You are such a handsome Mancat.You would not want anything that might affect your furs :o Your Mom is just being careful ;)
Purrs to you bud!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Samson, we are thrilled you are gonna get some extra Mom time and possibly *gasp* TURKEY!
We are not so thrilled about you going to the vet, but we hope he fixes you up quick. Kissies!
Vets are no fun at all but we've figured out that they are pretty helpful if you give them the chance. We will purr for you Samson!
You looks so purrty in front of the tree with all the sparkly lights...we woulda never know you had some skin issues...hope you feel better soon!
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