Monday, December 20, 2010

Mancat Monday

I have been feeling a lot better since I started back on the medication for my allergies. Mommy says I've been sleeping a LOT and I'm less agitated.

Mommy is very grateful for everyone's advice about food and other possible causes. She has armed herself with samples of food and is going to turn our apartment into a fragrance-free allergy proof place for me. We're pretty sure that the allergy is likely an inhalant and not a food and has something to do with our new apartment because my itchies started right after we moved here, but just in case it's not, she is going to try changing my diet too. If all that fails, she is going to bring me to a specialist and have allergy tests done. Our vet says that skin tests on cats are mostly inconclusive and very expensive, but she can't stand to see me uncomfortable and she doesn't like the idea of putting me on medication for a long time.

I told Mommy she needs to apologize to Sweet Pea for accusing her of scratching up my face, because now she knows that I did it to myself when I was itchy.

Mommy will apologize and she said she got Sweet Pea a really special present - a little catnip-filled squirrel! Sweet Pea is obsessed with squirrels and perches on her balcony all day to watch them. I think she'll forgive Mommy.

While I'm not feeling romantic yet, I know I will be soon, so to get you in a romantic holiday mood, here is a smoochy holiday video of Deli and I from last year. Hopefully I'll be feeling up to a little bit of Delilah loving soon!



BeadedTail said...

Samson, we're so happy that you are feeling better and are a lot less itchy! We bet Sweet Pea's present will help her know how sorry everyone is for thinking she might have hurt you and we know she understands how it looked like she might have.

As for the video, we remember seeing that before and we are still dreaming that it is us with you instead of Delilah! (Sorry Deli!)

Raymond and Busby said...

We are glad you are feeling beter Samson! That video is great. xoxo

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Goodness, that's a lot of loving in the video, Samson. Glad you are feeling a little better and will be back to the smoochies soon.

Marg said...

We are so glad to hear that you are feeling better Samson. Hope Mom can figure out what you are allergic to. That will be hard to do. But you have such a good Mom, she will figure it out. We love the video of you and Delilah. Too cute. You both have clean faces now. Take care and have a great week.

Catherine said...

I'm so happy you are feeling better Samson! That's good that mom bought Sweet Pea an extra nice gift for Christmas. It's hard when our four legged friends can't tell us what is going on!

Keep feeling better kitty and I hope you all have a lovely week!
xo Catherine

PS - adorable video!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad you're feeling better. We know Sweet Pea will forgive your Mom and a present will make her even happier.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Kea said...

That video had a huge "awwwww" factor!

We're glad you're feeling better, Samson.

Something in the apartment, huh? Hmmm. Annie had skin problems until the mom took up the carpet on the main level and laid laminate a number of years ago, but we don't see any wall-to-wall carpet in your place. Something in whatever they used to do the floors? (Wax? Some finishing product? What's on the floor, parquet?)

Good luck sorting it out, that's a big task.

Smooches from our mom and kitty kisses from us!

The Island Cats said...

Samson, we're glad the meds is helping you feel better. As you know, Ernie has allergies too...we don't think it's food related but is more environmental...but still our mom feeds him allergy foods...the single protein food just in case. Fortunately his allergies aren't real bad, he gets itchy in the spring and he hasn't been tested for what he is allergic to...just like your vet says, it's expensive and usually inconclusive.

We hope you continue to feel better.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

the video is adorable!
A few words/thoughts about the allergy...if you think it is environmentally related (since you just moved) did you try changing the filter in the furnace and cleaning all of the vents, as well as possibly deep cleaning the carpet (if there is any) mentioned you have pet food "samples"....if you are considering doing food testing unfortunately you can't do it with samples. When we changed Cody's food (he had the exact same symptoms as your cat) you have to use one food at a time and my vet said it takes WEEKS (sometimes months) to know if the food switch is working.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me: cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com

Cory said...

Samson, we will continue to purr for you. Several of us here are itchy, especially Jonesie. We've had a difficult year with fleas and even found some pesky buggers even though ALL of us had our flea treatment, so mom had to spray the house. Ugh!

We had a guardian angel kitty with inhalant allergies (our dear sweet Maggie) and mom got lots of relief for her once we stopped using fabric softener sheets in the dryer and switched to using vinegar and water to clean. It made a huge difference.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We're pleased that you aren't itching so much and that is making you feel better.
We lurve your video - you love bug.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Samson, we are pleased yoo are feeling better, and hope yoo keep improving. We're sending tons more PURRS for yoo, sweet boy.

Old Kitty said...

Aww beautiful Samson!! Me and Charlie are so so so happy that you are feeling better! We hope that your allergies will now subside - we wish your mum lots of luck with eradicating the causes of your allergies!!

Gorgeous Sweet Pea is such a lovely sweet girl we are sure she's already forgiven and forgotten!! :-)

We really really love this clip and the song too!! You and the adorable Delilah are purr-fect together! Take care

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Dear sweet Samson, we hope you are soon feeling much, much, MUCH better.....we love you and it makes us unhappy when you are not 100%.

We loved the video of you and Deli, and hope that soon you and Deli will do an updated video.

We send our love to you, Deli, Bella, your Mom, Sweepy and The Ball Guy.

Pee S....don't Sweepy and The Ball Guy need a playmate for Sweepy?????

Katnip Lounge said...

Samson, we are Tails up that your itchies are all better! Kona gets 'em too and she's all better after a pred shot, usually for a couple of years.

Johnny wants to know if Deli will come over and clean his vest?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Had the new place just been painted? Paint smells causes Mom to tear up and itch!

Cat said...

We are so glad to hear that you are feeling better Samson!!! I loved your video, it is just adorable :-)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What a great video!!! We are so glad you are feeling better!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Samson! We are sorry about your alergies - we have a couple here too with them and we know they are no fun. We hope that your mom can figure out what it is that is bothering you so you don't have to go through all those tests. We are sending over lots of purrs, both for you to feel better and to try and figure out what is causing it!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We remember that video, it is adorable. We are glad you are feeling better and hope your itchies go away completely.

Mickey's Musings said...

We will send you some purrs so you will feel better!! We hope you can locate the cause soon without a lot of expense :)
It will be good to see you back in action Samson!!!!!!!!! heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, it's great that you've found some relief, Samson. Being itchy all the time is just awful! You look so cozy and comfy on your hairy blanket, there.

Hopefully, soon you'll feel like kissing, not only Deli, but Sweet Pea and Bella, too!