Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tortie Tuesday

Yesterday Samson reported that we purchased a new sofa, but he conveniently missed the very important process that anything new needs to go through when it arrives at our house.  Anything that comes in - including groceries, bags of litter and of course sofas must go through my conquering and then approving process.

To conquer an item, you need to get on top of it to show it who's stronger.  This sofa came in a couple of parts, so I was busy sitting on all the pieces.

Using your lasers can help you show the new item that you are very strong.  This is a power move and should only be used when the new item is much larger than you - like this sofa.

Once the item is sufficiently terrified, you can then have a little telepathic conversation with it to let it know that if it gets out of hand, you may need to use your horrifying lasers again.  The items don't ever talk back so I know I must be doing my job right.
This item is approved and conquered so the humans can now proceed with the assembly...after I have a snooze.

One important note to remember about any new piece of furniture in your home is that you need to get your claws into it as soon as possible once it's assembled.

Watch out for the reappearance of this feared cat foe, though.

The dreaded spray bottle seems to always reappear when there's new items to be clawed.



Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Embarrassingly enough, when our sofa showed up a year and a half ago, we did examine it thorougly... but none of us even cared to scratch it! The fabric looks velvety, but it's a microfiber that doesn't feel good to scratch at all!

Anonymous said...

Oh No! Squirt Bottle!! No!No!

Jude the Dude and Fearless Marley

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We do check out boxes, and we sniff other new stuff that comes in, but we can't scratch. No front claws. Don't blame our mom. We came to her that way. We'll have to remember that lasers are a very effective way of terrifying new objects.

Mr Puddy said...

Why need the spray bottle ?
I think our cat claws' art is brilliant !!!

Old Kitty said...

Wonderful Delilah!!! Me and Charlie are so glad you gave your Paw of Approval to your mum's new sofa!! However, we think no furniture is complete without the obligatory "shredded" look ..! :-)

Hugs to sweet Samson, bella Bella and Sweet Pea! Take care

Kea said...

Delilah, we loved your conquer and approval process! Wow, what a strategy!

As for that squirt bottle...Hmm, well, we think you can conquer that too!

-Fuzzy Tales

Marg said...

Oh good girl Delilah. You did such a great job inspecting that new sofa. We sure are glad you are on the job. We have one of those spray bottles too and they are very scary, so no scratching Delilah. We know that Samson wouldn't do any scratching. Hope all of you have a fantastic day.

Catherine said...

LOL ~ we have one of those spray bottles at home too. Banjo seems to like it though as he keeps repeating whatever he is doing when he gets sprayed! :(

Enjoy your new couch kitties!!
xo Catherine

Hannah and Lucy said...

Make sure everyone and everycat knows that sofa is your property Delilah as you bravely checked out the packaging and the napability of it. You are therefore entitled to be the first to sit on it and show it the paw of doom before allowing it a welcoming scratch.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat said...

Well done Delilah it is important to have you around to make sure everything is safe for your family!! Unfortunately the spray bottle and the sofa seem to be in cahoots, but we know you will overcome :-)

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think that dreaded spray bottle could be part of "fear week". Mom never had to use one on me. I always used my scratching post and still do. No furniture has ever been damaged by my claws.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are doing a great job!!! We used to have a spray bottle, but I broke it, by accident...hehe!

Admiral Hestorb said...

I have to look out for the spray bottle too. Now, I haven't been naughty for awhile but since I am eating, I may!

Mom laffed and smiled at your blog Delilah! YOu have it going on!

The Island Cats said...

Delilah, we're glad that you approved the new sofa! And we hope that dreaded bottle stays away from you!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

S'funny how spray bottles and new furniture are linked. It's the same here.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Good job of showing the new items who is boss at your house, beautiful Deli. Shelly really admires your tortitude!!!!!!!!

We love all of you so very much.

Katnip Lounge said...

We have a similiar process here for dominating new things. We try and wait to scratch until the Beans go to sleep. After a few nights, since the item is now "broken in" the Beans give up and we can scratch freely!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Delilah, you are a very pretty and impressive conqueror!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Samson the supervisor and Delilah the Quality Control Inspector. What a team.

Sorry I have not been visiting, I was away, then had a lil' bug.

Random Felines said...

We are glad you got the sofa under control....but we have to admit we got a little distracted by the sight of all them boxes....

BeadedTail said...

Deli, it's good you showed that couch that Torties dominate in your house! We can't figure how come your mommy would want to spray your new couch though. Maybe she'll spray at the areas she wants you to add more cat art too.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Glad you showed that sofa who was boss but I hope you dont get sprayed. Hugs GJ x

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Delilah! We are the same way when new stuff comes in our house. We totally understand why you would need to have a talk with that new sofa. And oh, we understand about watching out for the sprayer too! That is all good advice for kitties who didn't know about it already!!

Oskar said...

You have it down to a science!

My name is Oskar & I have a blog that I'd love for you to check out, www.PetBlogsUnited.com. It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other and get some exposure!

Nubbin wiggles,


We agree about completely inspecting every item that comes into the house. WE do the same thing and we must approve before it stays.


Daniela said...

I hope your mommy let you keep those big boxes..they seem like fun. Run from the water...RUNNNN


Mickey's Musings said...

Nice sofa!!!!! You are right about inspecting all the parts and boxes first Delilah!!!! That is the fun part,heehee The other fun [art is sitting on the sofa and rubbing your smells on it!!!!!
Oh... that squirty thing lives here too :/
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Quill and Greyson said...

It's a house of horrors over there too! Look at its evilness (the squirt bottle, not you)

CCL Wendy said...

Good for you, Delilah! You did a great job taming that thing. Now you just have to convince your Mom that the spray bottle is useless. Over time that couch will become yours and you can do what you like with it.

Humans just have this attitude about things that are new. I guess this means you have to 'break it in' for them.