Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tortie Tuesday

Let's face it, being a Tortie can be very tiring! I love crashing in the sink after a few hours of play. No one bugs me here...well, except Mommy with the camera.



The Creek Cats said...

Mommies and their cameras.....we know exactly what you mean! That sure is a great napping spot!
Thanks for the purrs our Pop and Nana!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip Delilah! I try to sit in the kitchen sink sometimes and momma fusses at me....I see that I have to curl up so she won't find me as fast.

Mishkat said...

You look gorgeous in that sink, Delilah! You're a beautiful tortie.

Kiddo said...

That sure looks cozy, Deli!


The Island Cats said...

We think you just fit in there, Delilah! We hope no one turns on the water!

Misha said...

I've never been one for sleeping in the sink, but a lot of kittehs seem to love it. Can you tell me what the attraction is? I'd be worried that someone would come along and turn on the tap!

Mickey's Musings said...

Delilah, that sink was made for you!!!!!!!
You look pawsome :) I also agree that Moms can be a pain,heehee
Purrs Georgia

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Kirby loves to sleep in teh sink, too. He doesn't even care if it is wet.

BeadedTail said...

Delilah you are a beautiful tortie! Now, if only you can get some peace and quiet while napping in that sink!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

you finded a great bed!!! and you looks so pretties!