Friday, April 17, 2009

Strike a Pose

I've always been told that I'm a handsome cat and I love being in front of the camera. I think it's time that I pulled my weight around here financially and launched my career as a male cat model.

I've put together a portfolio of my best work for any cat modeling agencies that happen upon this blog. I will also be available for appearances at bachelorette parties, mall openings or anywhere else a debonair Mancat like myself is needed.

Here are a few examples of my versatility:











Now that you've seen my best photos, all you Ladycats might be swooning right now. Please try to keep it together and remember that I'm happily committed to Delilah ;).

Have a good weekend!



The Creek Cats said...

You have a great portfolio, Samson!! You should have no trouble booking jobs, you can do it all! You're such a handsome mancat!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Your flexible and romantic poses are pawesome, Samson! We think you will quickly become a popular model!

Thank you so much for commenting on Mom's niece's journalism assignment post! We really appreciate it!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

That's a great portfolio, you're bound to have jobs-o-plenty now.

Cat with a Garden said...


Mishkat said...

Wonderful portfolio - and we like the captions! We think "romantic" is our favorite - that's an amazing photo, but it was hard to pick just one.

If you need any tips on modeling, Tasha the super-model would be happy to help out :).

P.S. Mom says thank you very much for your comment yesterday - it's a hard anniversary for her.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Samson, you're a show-in to get all the greatest modeling gigs!! Best of luck!

Misha said...

Looks like Goma and I have some competition!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THose are great poses for your Portfolio! have a great weekend.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

You are a very handsome cat, and quite versatile too. Cottony, Fluffy, Sexy and that beauty mark is like so model like!

The Island Cats said...

Samson, we think you have a long modeling career ahead of you!

Daisy said...

You certainly have all the qualifications of a very top male model! I especially like the "romantic" photo.

BeadedTail said...

Wow Samson! You have a pawesome portfolio! We'd like to see more of your Romantic poses!

Angel & Isabella

Anonymous said...

You are one talented ManCat! ~Tristan

Quill and Greyson said...

::Swoons and faints::

WCTs said...

Too much!!!!!!!! What a hottie & that sexy pic ... WELL, just pawsome. I think a wall calendar is in your future. Seriously ... You whip one up & we will buy it!!


Cheyenne -Millie said...

Really cool poses Samson! You are a handsome model! Yu going into modeling? Also, I thanks you for dropping by and wishing me a happy birthday!

Zeus said...

That's actually not a bad idea, Samson. Do you need an agent by chance? I'm sure I could fit the bill quite nicely. We could work out the details of my commission later, of course. ;)