In her defense, she immediately admitted to us what she was doing, but that doesn't make it right! Apparently her friends Scott and Tania adopted their first kitten and Mommy went to visit.
Her name is Cookie and Mommy says she's the sweetest little thing.
She's 3 to 4 months old and, like most kittens, extremely playful. Mommy brought her a fishie toy of ours which she apparently loves very much! I'm not sure how I feel about this...I have to admit, she's pretty cute.
She's such a playful little girl and Tania and Scott are already crazy about her! They've got such a cute little kitty there, so we're hoping they'll still want to visit us sometimes. Deli and I will have to turn on the cute!
Our Mommy's deception didn't end there! The next night, she went to Jenn's house to visit her kittens - Misha and Pasha. She showed us the pictures of her visit so we'll blog about it tomorrow. These cute kitten visits must stop!
I think you two might have to turn on the charm to stop your Mummy's head being turned. Shouldn't be too hard to two gorgeous kittehs like yourselves!
Cookie looks really friendly :)
Have all a wonderful time ....
Kareltje =^.^=
Hmm, she hasn't got a patch on you guys! (tho she is pretty darn cute!!!!)
Yes, you must put a stop to all these cute kitten bisits now. Otherwise she may come home with one!
We'd rather say that your cuteness has inspired all these friends to open their home to cats. You're cat ambassadors! Oh, and Cookie IS very sweet. Happy Friday!
Yay for Cookie finding a wonderful forever home!!! She's quite the cutie pie!
She is a cute little kitten, but doesn't hold a candle to you two gorgeous floofs. Never fear, the mom will always come home to you...and the newness of visiting the other cats will wear off soon.
But it's nice of you to share your blog with the other kitties for now. When can we expect their blogs? :D
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
You guys can turn on the super cute and playful for your mom! Of course it is better for her to go to the kitten, than to bring the kitten home with her!
You're Mom may occasionally "cheat" with a kitten, but you know she loves you the best!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess - Cookie IS very cute!
What a little doll.
Well, at least your mom is just visiting them and not bringing them home, right??
Our mom sez Cookie is a cutie!!!
We think she has to visit other cats to prevent a cuteness overload from being around you.
Cookie is a cutie~pa~tootie! But, you are both majestic! See, there's a difference...Just keep in mind...your mommy ALWAYS comme home to you!!! Glad Cookie has found a furrver home with your mom's friends! Have a happy weekend!
Cookie is a cutie and it's great that she has a forever home! We can see why your mommy would be smitten with that kitten but it's you two she comes home to since you are her favoritist kitties in the whole world!
Uh-oh, we think there's a problem at your house, Samson and may need to send Mommy to "Kittens Anonymous"!!!!! MOL
Seriously, kittens are cute, but so are the two of you, and we know your Mommy loves you both.
At lease she is not bringing home a kitten!
O noes! Your mama is committing serial adultercatty!
If I were you, though, I wouldn't worry, Samson or Deli, because no kitty can hold a candle to either of you in your mama's heart.
Cookie is a cute as can be, but your mama's love runs deep. Actually cat people have room to love all sorts of cats, but we always love our own the bestest!
Cookie is really cute! But we know your mom loves you the best.
P.S. Thank you so much for our new water fountain and toys! We will get the water fountain set up this weekend (our humans are useless on Friday evenings!)
Even tho your Mom comes smelling like new kitten--she's NOT bringing home a new let have her fun--it's YOU she's coming home to!
Cookie is very cute - she has big ears which I love on kitties! I don't think you need to worry though - you two are awesome so I am sure you will still get visits!
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