We have to admit that while we love the litter, we haven't been using it since we tested and reviewed it. Our Mom is convinced that the price in Canada, and in particular, the province where we live (Quebec), is way higher than anywhere else.
We tried Feline Fresh Clumping, which is made from pine and we really liked it a lot. Although it was high-quality litter, the price was half the price of World's Best. The smell was great and the clumping was perfect and we both used the litter without any hesitation. The only problem with it was, the little pine particles were so light and small, that we would track it all over the apartment (and Deli ended up with some little pine danglies on her rear floof).
One day, while Mommy was in the grocery store, she decided to check the ingredients of a store brand 'green' litter just to see what made them environmentally friendly. To her surprise, it was made with corncobs, flushable, clumpable and supposedly had great odor control. The price was only $7.49 CDN for 3.2 kg (about 7 pounds), which is 1/3 the price of World's Best and 1/2 the price of Feline Fresh. The brand is President's Choice Green Cat Litter and is available in Canada at all grocery stores that sell the President's Choice line of products. We tried it out and we couldn't be more pleased. It doesn't look the same as World's Best Cat Litter (it's a lot darker), but it works really well, and unless World's Best comes down drastically in price in our area, we'll continue to use it.

Just to be clear, we think the price of World's Best (and a lot of other imported products) in our particular area of Canada is inflated because of import and tax laws, so our opinions are only based on local pricing.
N.B. On the weekend, our Mom went to Ontario to visit her brothers and she found a 3.2 kg bag of World's Best Cat litter for only $9.99(which is far more reasonable considering how long WBCL lasts)! She was so surprised because in Montreal, the same bag is $25.00! This was so shocking to her and she wonders why there are so many more taxes and duties here in Quebec.
Now, just to break up the poop talk, here's a picture of me!
Thanks for your green litter review Samson! We tried the WBCL and didn't like it so wouldn't use it. Mommy tried everything to get us to use it like mixing our old brand of litter in it but nope, we wouldn't do it. We do want to use green litter so we'll just have her search for other brands.
We really like seeing the photo of you Samson! You are so handsome with Delilah's tortie mouse!
Thank you for the litter information. I just may have a cat some day, so I am trying to store up as much information on food and litter as I can.
Thanks for your information,
its not in our country ;)
Samson your are very nice playing with your mouse :))))
We tried the WBCL too. Unfortunately, if you leave it our in the garage like our Mom did, it can get bugs.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Thanks for that review, Samson. We didn't like the WBCL litter and even though our mom would like to give it another try, it is expensive even here in the states. We're glad you found a low cost alternative!
Great review. Rosie can't use clumping litter as it sticks to her butt.
Hmm...We're Tidy Cat cats, but are willing to try new--the World's Best is high enough, Tommy won't buy it--she's looked at it--and kept right on walking...She says she'll look again at stuff...Thanks Samson!
It's good that y'all found something you can use that's still good for the kitties and environment but not as expensive in your area. A shame that all that tax crap makes things cost so much...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
PS - how'd you know what we were gonna say today?? MOL
Pasha and Misha love the Green litter, and so do I. It smells good and it's doesn't stick to their fur like Feline Fresh does. We're definitely going to stick with this litter!
Hi guys...after reading your post I can't get the picture of Delilah with pine danglies out of my head...but anyways, we're going to search out a different litter too. We have to watch the cost but there's got to be something better out there to try.
World's greatest is expensive here in NC too. I had to use it for a few months to see if it would help Smokey's allergies. It did clump really well, but I didn't like the way it smelled when urine hit it. It has been several years, and they may have improved the product, but that is what I remember from it. We currently use Arm and Hammer, Super Scoop and like it a lot.
Samson you are such a pretty cat!
We neffur even seen World's Best. Guess htey don't have it here in PA. We use Tidy Cat for multiple kitties. But, mom buys Arm & Hammer litter deodorant that she sprinkles in the box before putting the litter in. It sure helps and has a nice smell. Samson, you are such a handsome Boy!!!
Well, you don't want any pine in your floofy rear. Unless you have been out in the woods, then it's only natural.
Thanks! We liked WBCL but had to stop using it for a while because the vet thought it might be causing Franklin's asthma. He still has symptoms so it wasn't the litter. Mom's going nuts cleaning up little pieces of clay litter all over, so she definite wants us to switch!
Thanks for the litter review, Samson. Great snap of you.
Nanny pay US$9.99 dollars for litter stuff at the grocery store and she thinks is too expensive. We also would like to try the "Green Litter" too. Thank you for the review Samson!
WE liked the litter at first but then got multi-cat and it was different ans we don't like it!
We would rather see you and your mouse!
Thanks for the review Samson! I wonder if we have that President's Choice here - I know that we have stores here that carry other items with that brand. We have tried a few different litters and honestly it is partly price partly picky pussycats (sorry had to stick with the p's there) that keep us going back to Fresh Step. Feline Pine is one we like but it is a bit pricy with so many cats. I am actually going to the store for my lunch hour and am going to see if they have it.
And honestly, though the litter review is great it really is most important to be sure we have a picture of you or Delilah in each one - you are the big draw after all!
Interesting, I didn't know you had to pay so much more higher prices for things because of the import taxes. I live in the states and don't have to worry about the $$$.
Such a cute photo of you. You are a sweetheart.
We liked WBCL, too, but we saw some bugs in it. We use Feline Pine clumping now. It costs a little bit less and it lasts a long time, and best of all, we can pick it up from the grocery store instead of making a trip to the pet store. It does stick to our furs a little and sometimes it looks like we have been woodworking!
you are one handsome mancat!
Everytime Momma tries to change our litter, we revolt.
So she has learned not to mess with it.
Thanks for the straight scoop Samson! We are using Dr. Elseys Ultra Precious Cat litter and we really like it a lot. I don't "think outside the box" anymore.
Thank Cod there was a Samson shot!!
I have been using clumping clay litter for 25 years. Last week saw President's choice Green litter on sale so bought some for emergency use only. Tried a bag and OH MY GOD, I will never use clay again! Instead of filling a plastic bag full to the brim every morning, and carrying a back breaking load to the garbage. I am now barely making a quarter bag. The stuff is great! Weighs nothing - light like puffed wheat. My cats aren't totally in love with it but they'll learn to use it. I wish it were unscented. I can't find any ingredients listed except for the Corn Cob mention. I'm sure Corn doesn't smell like perfume. My cats agree. Best most affordable litter I've ever used. And with 5 cats I should know!
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