Are you out enjoying the autumn leaves, Sampson? Have a great time!
What a lovely picture of two lovely cats!
Looks like a couple of adorable kitties were caught snuggling again!
Sweetheart & sweetheart :)
Beauty in its highest form!
What a precious picture of you two!
Awww, you two look very content!
Oh, that's a lovely photo of you two sharing the tortie hairy blankie! :D We're so glad our Mommy badgered your mom into buying one for you! (Teehee)Purrs and hugs,The Kitty Krew
Awwww, snuggle-o-rama!
Great picture.Cindy
Aw, what a cute picture of you two!!!
Fantastic photo of you it, love it, love it. xxxxxxxxxxx
What a gorgeous picture of you two snugglebuns togefur! You certainly have nothing to be jealous about when your mom sneaks off to see other kitties. Look what she comes home to!
Samson and Delilah, You both look so lovely together. Loki
This looks like a professional portrait! It would be wonderful in a frame!
Snuggle time!!! We wanna come snooze wif ya's...
Snuggling on a harry blanket!
Yay Snuggles!!
Awwwww so sweets! You two looks very CUTE togethers!!Purrrrrrrrrrrs
That is one stunning picture of both of you...purrsAbby
More smoochies on the hairy blanket?
A beautiful picture of two beautiful kitties. :)
Oh Samson you look so come hither there! Mom will email your Mom this weekend about the your Mom knows what.
You are both so amazingly beautiful!
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Are you out enjoying the autumn leaves, Sampson? Have a great time!
What a lovely picture of two lovely cats!
Looks like a couple of adorable kitties were caught snuggling again!
Sweetheart & sweetheart :)
Beauty in its highest form!
What a precious picture of you two!
Awww, you two look very content!
Oh, that's a lovely photo of you two sharing the tortie hairy blankie! :D We're so glad our Mommy badgered your mom into buying one for you! (Teehee)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Awwww, snuggle-o-rama!
Great picture.
Aw, what a cute picture of you two!!!
Fantastic photo of you it, love it, love it. xxxxxxxxxxx
What a gorgeous picture of you two snugglebuns togefur! You certainly have nothing to be jealous about when your mom sneaks off to see other kitties. Look what she comes home to!
Samson and Delilah,
You both look so lovely together.
This looks like a professional portrait! It would be wonderful in a frame!
Snuggle time!!! We wanna come snooze wif ya's...
Snuggling on a harry blanket!
Yay Snuggles!!
Awwwww so sweets! You two looks very CUTE togethers!!
That is one stunning picture of both of you...
More smoochies on the hairy blanket?
A beautiful picture of two beautiful kitties. :)
Oh Samson you look so come hither there!
Mom will email your Mom this weekend about the your Mom knows what.
You are both so amazingly beautiful!
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