I'm the type of tortie that takes important matters into my own paws, so I've decided to stage a bit of a protest. See that blue button under my armpit? That's the computer on/off button. If Mommy spends too long playing her frivolous online games, or chatting with friends, I'll press the button...I won't even hesitate.
She's always waiting until the last minute to help us blog and this has got to stop!
Do I look intimidating enough? I hope so because she has a huge weight advantage over me so I have to over-compensate with intimidation.
I don't mean to be so tough on her, because in general she's a really good Mommy, it's just best to keep her on her toes.
I promise I'll give her some snuggles after she finishes my post ;)
P.S. You can see where the humans viciously removed some of my furs because I had some knots from running through my nylon tunnel continuously. I'm doing my best to grow it back quickly!
What's a couple of knots among friends? Sometimes thatlong hairs
stuff is not fun but we always look
floofy and beautiful!
I have never had a knot.... hehe
i am short hair ;)
Kareltje =^.^=
Oh dear! We didn't even notice about any of your fur being removed till we read it! My mom has to cut mats off from me sometimes!
I think that it's best to keep the Mom on her toes!
I have very fine fur so there has been some "trimming" from time to time. Nothing to be ashamed of my dear.
Purrs Goldie
I think you have got the look down to a fine art and I think your mum better watch out.. MOL. You afre though rather lovely.. Hugs GJ x
We are sure your beautiful furs will grow back in no time, Delilah! Sometimes Maya has to have some of his furs removed too.
Great idea, you found the kill switch on the computer! We must find the one on our mom's laptop!
That's a great strategic placement of the on/off button. It's okay to use your power over humans from time to time, Deli. Goodness, what did they do to your furs?
You tell her, Delilah! You control the computer now!!!
We hope your furs grow back real fast!!
Oh my, if we were your mom we'd be very scared of you right now, Delilah. It's never good to annoy the tortie! Our Mommy's computer's on/off button isn't quite that easy to get to, so we just get on the desk in front of the keyboard/monitor and she can't do anything then. MOL
Sorry about the furs, we hope they grow back soon!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Where would the beans be if they didn't have us there to keep them on their toes. On their backsides probably!
Deli, you sure have an authoritive look about you today!!! Your mommy better blog for you both first from now on...Your furs will grow back even more luxurious than they were before!!!
Good luck getting your mom to work more for you. I think it is only fair if they have computer time for themselves then it is fair that they double that time for you.
You are so beautiful that any fur that is missing isn't noticed at all.
Purrfect tortie faces today, Delilah! We're sorry about the furs - but we know they'll grow back.
Deli, we have the same problem with "knots" and ending up with "bald spots".......sad to know that not only humans get bald spots!!!!!!!
We love you, Deli, and purray you can keep your Mom in line.....sometimes they make it really difficult for us, huh???? :)
It's good to keep the upper paw by laying on that blue light! Keeps your mommy in line when she's on the computer! We're sorry about your furs and hope they grow back soon!
I hate to tell you Deli, but you don't look the least bit intimidating. You're just too darn cute for that!
You're very smart to identify the on/off button on the PC, though. You'll certainly get immediate attention if you use it.
If you turn off the computer, she won't be able to blog either!
Delilah, I wouldn't have even noticed the missing furs if you hadn't mentioned it. We will send some "fur grow fast" thoughts your way!
And I think it is great that you keep your mommy on point when it comes to blogging. Barney, our baby kitty, does the opposite - he makes it harder to blog. And you do look very intimidating in those pictures - plus keep in mind - she may have the size, but you have the teeth!
Ya know, Tommy has the whole e-mail this, Facebook that, and Twitter kinda sorta--and hogs the PC--and if you were here, your intimidation would work! Must be a girl thing. Good luck!
You tell her girl! She works for YOU! We usually sit on Momma's lap and if she's goofing off we push a few keys on the keyboard....
um, yeah, grow that hair fast!
Oh you lil' stinker....(wink)..{{giggle}}=^Y^=
You look like you got yoru mommy just where you want her - at your beck and call!
You do look very intimidating...*wink-wink*
We see it is not just humans that spend a lot of time on the computer. Anyway: the blue button threat is brilliant.
You did the right thing, Delilah dear. Sometimes we kitties have to take matters into our own paws!
I must find that blue button!
I know the feeling...humans are so selfish!
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