Our Mom is home sick with a flu, and because everyone is worried about that Ham Flu, she decided to stay home until she isn't contagious rather than go to work and infect the whole office. We're keeping her warm and making sure she gives us plenty of fluids so we don't get sick too (although Ham Flu sounds kinda yummy)!
It's a little boring around here because Mommy is a big lump in bed so I wanted to talk about something very exciting - my favorite toy of all time, the catnip banana by Yeowww! You can get them through Baby Patches' store.
Deli and I had never tried these out until Tristan and Crikey sent us our Paw it Forward box back in June. That was the day we discovered what it means to be a true Monkey! I am finally complete. I am a Monkey with a catnip banana
Our nip naners are old and covered in drool stains and Mommy keeps wanting to get us a new one...but we're just fine with these ones.
Even though we have two, Delilah still tries to steal mine. Girls are mean!
Have a great Thursday!
Samson, we can tell you really like your banana! We enjoyed watching your video and seeing Deli come check you out. It was funny seeing her spin you when she jumped off the chair!
That nip banana is just the right size for lots of bunny-kicking action. I can tell that you really like it.
Samson! That is a cool video! We are glad that you are complete!
In fact we wished we ha a banana! We are jealous of your banana!
We hope you mom gets over the flu!
The video is cooool!
Hope your momma get well soon!
My Mummy had that ham flu, but it meant she got to spend a week in quarantine with me!
A complete Monkey - great! Your poor mom, make her stay in bed and get better asap. We're sure it's not the Ham Flu, but it was a good decision not to go to work anyways.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
That banana looks good! Such a cute video.
Great video!! Looks like you enjoy your naner as much as we do ours!!
Sorry your mommy is sick. Sure hope it isn't that ham flu. Our mom is convinced our dad had that 2 weeks ago. He was in bed for 5 days straight with fevers. It was not good. Hope your mom feels better very soon!!!
We love our nip nanner too, Samson!! But now we do need a new one cuz some cat (Ernie!) chewed a hole in it and all the nip is falling out and mom took it away cuz she said it was making a mess...
We hope your mom feels better real soon!
We hope your Mom feels better soon. You sure are having fun with that banana! We love the way Delilah balances on the chair arm.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That nip nanner looks like lots of fun. Hope Mom gets over that old flu soon! It is no fun being sick
First, we want to sau we are all purraying your mommy get better furry soon! And that 'Nippy nanner looks divine!!! Mom says she LOVES the Stones song and it was purrfect for your video! We did see Delilah trying to get at it from above...MOL
Ham flu, HaHaMeow! Furry considerate of your mewmie to stay home...ours is having to work with one sicky right now and she keeps wiping her hands with bleachy water.
We like our stinky sardines, made by the same company...and they turn sort of black after a while of us slobbering on em...mewmie says they look like a hairball or something that should be in the litterbox, in the dark and she jumps over them
Our mum bean is hoping to get us a nip banana for Christmas. Then we will see for ourselves how much fun they are.
Nip nanners are fun, aren't they? Ours aren't too drooly stainy yet, but they probably will get that way soon. MOL Sassy and Roxy are the main ones that play with them, but the rest of us do sometimes too.
We're sorry your mom is flu-y and hope she feels better soon. We'll send purrrrrs up to her. Our Mommy is home flu-y this week too. But not hammy, just flu-y.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
PS - as the noobs we'll be happy to bring nip to the next club meeting! MOL
Purrs and tail wags for your mom to get well fast and you all to stay healthy.
Loved your video. We hope your Mommy is soon well....although it's nice cuz you can get in more cuddle time.
Sorry your mom isn't feeling too good today. Sure hope she doesn't get that pig flu that the news is always talking about.
You will just have to keep yourselves entertained while she continues to be a lump in the bed.
Hey, hey you're a Monkey! Guess you just want to monkey around -- eh, Samson! That nanner is something else!
Hope your mom feels better soon!
Sorry our mum is not well. I have a nip nanna too. I got it in my paw it forward. They are awesome.. Loved your video.. Hugs GJ xx
We are sorry to hear about your Mom, we hopes she feels better furry soon.
And there is nothing better than a catnip banana!
Mom is finally better, hope your Mom is too. I loved that video, but then I love every Samson video!!
You really rock with that banana!
Hope your mom feels better soon.
I've never had a nip banana - it looks like they are wonderful! I've had a few nip cigars and they are great.
We hope your mom is done with her ham flu soon! I have heard it is even worse then regular flu.
We have two nip bananas like that too - even the drool marks are on ours!!
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