Samson was pretty upset yesterday about Mommy visiting other kittens. I, on the other hand, am a little more confident with Mommy's affections.
Mommy went to see her friend Jenn's kittens, Misha and Pasha. This is a picture of Jenn and Misha.
Misha is such a beautiful little girl. Mommy said she is hard to photograph because she's always moving.
Pasha kept trying to steal Mommy's chicken! With a face like that, how could she resist?
Pasha is also quite a poser! She's a cat model in the making.
They're best friends and love each other very much!
That is major cute! Maybe Samson and I do have reason to be worried.
Naw. No worries--your Mommy is crazy bout you two! She can like other kitties, but she LOVES you! And I gotta say, I do like how that little Pasha is on top of that coffee maker....
Those two kitties are cutie patooties too but we know that your mommy thinks you two are the cutest ever!
I never sit on the coffee maker,
thanks for the tip .... ;)
Your Mom loves you both ,
you now that !!!!
Kareltje =^.^=
You don't have to worry, your Mom loves you a LOT!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Misha and Pasha are adorable! Misha looks a lot like our Zoey! But we know they could never steal your mom away from you two! She loves you lots!!!
They are very cute. At least they already have an owner so there's no danger of your mumbringing them home!
They looks so sweet, but don't worry. She could never love anyone more than you guys.
Those are pretty cute kitties...the first and last photos are great (the others are two, but you know what we mean).
But don't worry, you two are first in your mommy's heart!! She's just passing time with her human friends and it's nice that they have kitties to remind her of you two. :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
They're cute, but we know your Mommy loves you the most.
All of the cats are so cute and nice looking but I am with Samson on this one. I don't think I would want my mom giving attention to others when she could have spent the day home holding me instead.
Misha and Pasha are definitely adorable, sepurrately and together! I like the together photo the bestest.
They're both nice floofy little ones, and likely have quite a lot of maturing still to do -- they will be magnificent!
But they could never ever surpass your Samson and Deli, even though they might come close.
They are really cute, but your Mom loves you best!
You have nothing to worry about at all. Your mum loves you best.. Hugs GJ xx
Those are some mighty cute kitties but don't worry. You two have your mom wrapped around your little claw!
We can understand why Samson would be so upset!
Those other kitties are so pretty! I would be jealous if my mom went to visit them!
They certainly are quite. But they miss your savoir vivre. That certain je ne sais quoi.
But maybe you could just turn up the charm for a bit. Another week without friday funnies is not cool. We miss them.
Those two are just lovely! Don't worry, your Mom may be smitten with your furriends, but her heart belongs to you:)
Oh that last picture is so cute it is "makes your fall down" cute! But I still don't think you need to worry too much - you both are great kitties!
They're really best friends, and i'm sure they're really going to miss one of there other best friends, their brother Strummer.
R.I.P Strummer
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