Mommy reassured me that, just because I had a rough start, I would not ruin my image as a tough tortie. Instead it would be more like a success story of how far I've come from then. This was acceptable to me, although the quality of the pictures is still awful!

I was about 3 months old when these shots were taken and I was full of fleas and very hungry. I figured out pretty quickly that this place was perfect, though. I made myself at home right away.

Mommy thinks I was a cutie, but I'm just happy I grew out of that phase and turned into the strong, fluffy tortie I am now!
Nothing like a baby tortie so cute!
Delilah and I would get along famously. Love the pictures they're
wonderful! (((Purrs!)))
You were a little kitten! We all looked rough when we first started out.
I think the pictures should enhance your reputation as a tough tortie. No little wuss could come through that and look as good as you do now.
Delilah, u are very nice looking kitty, either when u were a kiten, or now!
Who knew you would grow in to such a beautiful floofilicious kitteh?!
We love to see how far you've come, tough tortie Deli. It's a success story indeed!
Sweet kitten pics!! What a little fighter you were!!!
Awwwww....don't worry, Deli, even though you were a cutie patootie baby kitteh, we know you're a rough-and-tough tortie now! We'd never dare say otherwise. ;)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I think you were very cute, too, Deli -- and now you are beautiful!
You can really see all the different colours in your fur when it was not quite as floofy! You've got a lot more orange in there than I thought!
Such a gorgeous girl, now and then!
I know, I know the same with me, but now we are beautiful, my cute, cute girl !Hugs Boris
Delilah you are beautiful now and back then too!
You were definitely a cutie then, Deli, but now you are beautiful....much thanks to your Mommy.
You will always be a cutie!
You poor dear. But you did really feel right at home, judging from the pictures. No wonder you grew up to be such a wonderful cat.
Deli, you were a cute little kitten and certainly have grown up to be furry gorgeous! We're glad you've felt at home with your mommy from the beginning!
Listen to your mom, these were great baby photos of you. What a little cutie you were and now you are a beautiful cutie. A lot of us has a rough start and we can certainly thank our moms and dads for taking such good care and good health to return.
You were a darling little girlkittie who grew up to be an exceptionally gorgeous diva ladycat!
I have to agree with your mum you were a super cutie.. You still are... Hugs GJ xx
You were so cute. Torties forever. FAZ
Oh Delilah! You were adorable back then...and you still are!!! You've come a long way, baby!
I think you look adorable in those pictures!
No wonder your Mom couldn't resist you Deli. You were a cutie then and now.
Delilah, your Mommy was right you're a very cute kitten and still very cute today. You're so lucky to have a Mommy who's crazy about you.
Oh Delilah you were such a cute little kitten. And sure you grew up to be a beautiful cute tortie but you should love these baby pictures too - you were just so adorable!
You are so beautiful now! Isn't it great to have such a wonderful forever home?!
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