I'm really pouring on the cute, but so far, she's not talking!
While she was using the Live Chat option to ask Baby Patches' Mom a question, I hijacked the keyboard and typed 'sdf' as a secret message to Baby Patches. Now all you kitties know what that means, but for the humans that read this post, 'sdf' = 'Hi Baby Patches, can you tell me what my Mom bought us for Christmas?' in cat-speak. She didn't respond. I guess that means one of two things; either Baby Patches takes her job as Chief Kit very seriously, or I'm just not being cute enough to sway her!
Since Mommy has already done her Christmas shopping for us, Deli and I figured it was a good time to start thinking about a gift for her. Baby Patches' site is helping out with the Santa Paws Drive. They will be bringing toys and treats to shelter cats and doggies this Christmas! We used our allowance and bought some toys and treats from the page on Supplies Just For Pets to donate in Mommy's name! She's gonna love this gift!
This is really comfy...I think I'll take a snooze.
I'm sure you are handsome enough to sway Baby Patches, but I bet she's sworn to secrecy...she probably wanted to tell you.
I know for a fact that the Baby takes her job very serious... cause NOBODY could resist that level of cute!!
I'm using the wishlist feature to help my humans with their shopping. How lovely am I?
Sampson, you are so cute in your photos that OUR Mom wants to tell you what she got us for Christmas!
Purrs, Busby and Raymond
Baby Patches is a true professional!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You have the market cornered on cute!
Your mom must have a will of iron to resist that cute face! If we knew what she bought, WE'D tell!
We just think BP takes her job very seriously cause you are the cutest of the cute!
Our mom said we will be donating to Santa Paws Drive this week. We think it is such a wonderfur cause!
We can't believe all that cute didn't sway your mom to tell you what you are getting for Christmas...
Samson if we knew we would tell you are just too cute. ~S,S,C & F
Samson, you're so cute in your Mommy's arm. If there was a barometer of cuteness, yours would be on top!
Look at that cute lil cat in the mommys arms. Aww so adorable
We're sure Baby Patches would tell you if she could....we bet she just couldn't get to the keyboard to answer you.
Our bean would be happy to tell you....if she knew....she says you are soooooooooooo adorable!!!!!!!
Happy Mancat Monday dear friend. xxxxxxx
You are sooooo CUTE
in your Mommy's arm :-)
Lovely shots today...
Kareltje =^.^=
We don't know how Baby Patches could resist you because we're ready to tell you anything you want to know! You are just so adorable Samson we'd spill the beans! We think your mommy is going to really love her gift too but yet she's got the best presents of all already - you and Deli!
Samson, you are all cute and handsomely mancatly at the same time!
The gift of giving is the best gift in the world. Well done!
Too cute! We cannot understand why it didn't work on your mom.
Anyway, you don't really want to spoil the surprise before Christmas do you?
I think that your cute totally would have worked on me Samson. I bet that Baby Patches just takes her job super seriously.
I think that it is great that you donated to Santa Paws in your mom's name for a Christmas gift - it is a wonderful cause and the perfect gift!
Thats a lovely thing you are doing for mum at Christmas. As for the cuteness thing. Ijust think you are the cutest thing in those pictures ever.. Baby patches is just being cautious.. HUgs GJ x
We don't know how your mum or Baby Patches could resist all that cute.
WOW!! Your Mom is strong to resist such cuteness!!!!!!! She must really want to surprise you ;) Baby Patches too !! Bet she gives more treats now :) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We'll try to use our connections to help you to find out what you're getting!
I do not know how she can resist all that cuteness!
You fells asleep! That is so cute when you are sleeping!
Mom and I would be powerless to resist you Samson!
Sampson I gots your message handsome but da momma wouldn't lets me has da keyboard and I do takes my job as Chief Kit very seriously! Just takes it from me you is going to luvs your gifts!
You really laid on da cute, I can't believes your momma didn't gives in!
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