We met Sweet Pea on Friday night and, well, I was not amused at all. I had become fond of this little whippersnapper on film, but when she arrived into my house, all bold and kitteny, it was a very different story. Tortitude - she has it! She reminds me of a young me, but I am three now and I do not appreciate her enthusiasm! I am the head Tortie here and she just walked up to me like she owned the place. I growled and hissed at her, and she just kept coming back. Finally she snuck up on me when I was enjoying a treat so I had to whap her. Don't worry, I kept my claws in and she didn't seem any worse for wear, but I had to get my message across. MY treats - MY home. Do you understand, little one? Maybe if she can accept these facts I might like her more, but until then, she will get whapped everytime she comes over!
I could tell that Samson really was interested in her at first, but when he saw that I was upset, he got all hissy. Is it any wonder why I love that big, sweet Mancat?
Here is a montage of us showing Sweet Pea that she is not welcome here.
I'll give her one thing - she's got a lot of guts in that tiny, furry body of hers! Or maybe it's just kitten naivety.
Apparently the humans thought it went as they expected and are going to try again this week...silly humans.
She certainly is fearless! I hope you and Samson will learn to love her soon!
As long as the claws don't come out it's a good sign that you will learn to like her. It might take a while, but I think that she will be fun to know.
Are you all scared of a tiny little kitten? We were too!
She certainly doesn't look afraid of anybody! She is a precious little thing.
Guys, I was like that too and jane kept punching me in the nose over and over. But I never let up...I don't think Sweet Pea will either, so just give up and accept her.
We think she's just wants to be furiends! We're sure over time you two will learn to accept her more...and she'll learn what she can and cannot do...like no treat stealing!!!
Actually, from what I could see on the video, I think it went pretty well. Samson actually backed away from the little one.
And Deli, although she hissed a couple of times -- it wasn't a really aggressive hiss. Believe me, I've seen a lot worse. My grandkitty Missy's nickname is "Hissy" when she comes to visit us. And she growls and hisses at the same time -- and swats.
So, this was relatively mild. I actually think Deli has an interest in Sweet Pea. She just wants to establish who is boss.
Sweet Pea definitely has that little tortie attitude and doesn't appear to be afraid of the others. This appeared very mild and hopefully, they will be fast friends soon!
Now what's up with Samson that the big MANCAT ran??? And Deli, the LittleGirlCat is a baby--and needs YOU to show her the ropes. She means no harm. Cute little thing, yet you are and always will be BEAUTIFUL :)
Wow! Sweetpean is tiny but mighty! She was not afraid of you two but I am wondering if you two were not a little afraid of her. Think what she is going to be like when she is bigger. Be nice to her she will grow up.
I think it will take a little while, but you will all become frieds. Sweet Pea is a cutie,but YOU are the Tortie Queen!
...at least in your house!
We think you'll all be buddies soon. Sweet Pea will learn who is the boss!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sweetpea definitely wasn't intimidated so we are betting y'all will be the best of friends soon.
Oh Delilah, that was quite the hiss coming out of you! We are in love with her...but like you said, they are way nicer in photos...so easy for me to say!
Oh sweet lttle one There is certainly staying power there. I just loved it when I thougtht sweet Pea was going to make a play for Samson's tail.. Then the stand of on the back of the sofa, I think they will soon be all friends with little Sweet Pea. Who wouldn't be she is adorable. Hugs GJ x
Oh sweet lttle one There is certainly staying power there. I just loved it when I thougtht sweet Pea was going to make a play for Samson's tail.. Then the stand of on the back of the sofa, I think they will soon be all friends with little Sweet Pea. Who wouldn't be she is adorable. Hugs GJ x
Oh, we think it went quite well actually. Phew. Good luck for the second try!
Well, two floofy Torties in one room may take awhile to adjust to but we think it'll happen. Sweet Pea certainly isn't afraid so maybe you'll come around and accept her. We're just glad it's you and not us who has to put up with the little adorable kitten!
Angel & Isabella
Oh, we're sorry it didn't go too well this first time. She's a little cutie and we think that you'll be fine with her, given time.
But don't listen to us, we're still trying to get used to our two new *permanent* residents -- at least Sweet Pea doesn't live there full time! MOL
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Hahahaha!! What a little spitfire ;)
Remember Delilah, you can train her just the way you want as she is so young and ready to learn ;) After all,she is a Tortie too.
Hope things will go well :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Sweet Pea is absolutely adorable! We realize it is your job to let her know who's boss, but we hope you make her fell welcome soon.
Big cats always think kittens are equipped with secret weapons of some sort. That's because kittens aren't afraid of bigger animals and aren't even on guard or careful.
Don't be afraid, Samson, Deli, there's no secret weapon. Kitten just wants to play.
Oh Samson I thought your tail was in trouble for a minute there, I can't believe she resisted that wagging tail! I bet you will all be friends really soon...as long as she keeps resisting the tail!
That wasn't too bad, was it? You told her who is boss. Soon you'll be friends.
She is a little cutie. Sorry Samson but we had to laugh when you ran away.
WE think it went well for the first meeting! It takes time.
Well she was going after your ball Deli!
We have a feeling she will fit in very nicely, given a little bit of time!
Kittens can be annoying but you two may fall in love with her. It may take awhile though!
Awww, it looks like it didn't go THAT bad! Cricket did the same thing when she "arrived" at our house! She just rolled up on in there like she owned the joint! Defenitely TortieTude!!! You'll guys will all be furriends in no time! She's furry kyute!
Oh My! Poor Sweet Pea! But then if she came over here I would not be nice to her either!
Thata girl Miss Sweet Pea! You
have the Tortitude! We love it!
You are adorable!
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