I think Deli was right when she said that watching Sweet Pea on film and in pictures is much better than having her here! It seems that she's already developed a few charming habits working and living with The Ball Guy. She's taken on the task of being his assistant when he draws.
The Ball Guy is busy working on the portraits for our contest winners and other things that he has to do for work, and Sweet Pea has begun her job as his cute little helper!
As you can see, she's organizing his reference photos for him.
This is where she sits when he's drawing (when she's not trying to reorganize his paintbrushes and pens) to make sure he's doing a good job.
Apparently she got a little wild with the photo of Ginger Jasper and dragged it under the desk to tumble with! Sorry, GJ! She is a kitten, after all! Mommy says that Ginger Jasper is so handsome that Sweet Pea was just trying to get closer to him. Thankfully, it was just the reference photo that she got her paws on and not the actual drawing!
Have a great weekend!
Sorry to hear you aren't liking Sweet Pea coming for a visit. Maybe the diffuser thingy will work but we don't think there's any way to cover up that cuteness. Our mommy thinks Sweet Pea is adorable so hopefully she isn't getting any ideas of adding a little floofball around here! It is good that Sweet Pea is such a good helper for the Ball Guy though although we bet he spends more time watching her than working!
I am sorry that the meetings aren't going well between the two of you and Sweet Pea. It takes time, lots of time, sometimes. Sweet Pea is quite the little helper.
We can't get over Sweet Peas's huge paws! She's going to be a mighty little tortie. And WHAT a great help!
Maybe Sweet Pea would have to stay with you for some weeks to sort out the hierachy properly. But then again it would be very sad for her to have to leave again.
Mum and I laughed out loud at Sweet Pea's anticts.. She sure whapped my picture about.. I dont mind though because she is gorgeous.. I just hope the difuser works and that harmony will be restored. Hugs GJ xx
She is such a little sweetie, and so helpful to. We hope the Feliway helps.
I sure hope the diffuser works for Sweet Pea and the Monkeys, because I just love Sweet Pea.
I don't blame her for getting a little excited over Ginger Jasper! He's my hero.
Sweet Pea is such a cute helper!!
We're sorry your visits aren't going well, but it can take awhile for kitties to get along. And having her come and then go may not be the easiest way to get to know her and get used to her. We hope the feliway helps.
Yes, it's too bad that things aren't working that well right now. Perhaps part of the problem is that Sweet Pea comes and goes. If she stayed for a week with Deli and Samson, I'm sure that things would improve. It might be hard for the Ball Guy to do without Sweet Pea for that long, though. After all she is his snoopervisor and organizer!
She is certainly well-named -- she's as sweet as can be.
I hope you will get used to her and like her. Maybe if she stayed alot you'd like her better?
What a wonderful little helper! Sweet Pea also has good taste in mancats, going after that GJ photo!!!
I think I'd whap any cat that just came and went all the time. Maybe having something that smells like Sweet Pea, like a little blankie she sleeps on so you could smell it when she is not there? That way you could get used to her sweet kitty smells.
sweet pea is quite the character
Sweet Pea is already proving herself as a wonderful apprentice! We are sorry you are not enjoying her. We do not enjoy strange cats in our house either. Gandalf and Grayson are still not crazy about Whitey being here and it has been about 5 months. And he NEVER leaves.
That Sweet Pea has real tortitude, you can see it in that last close-up. You can see why Deli might clash, hope the diffuser helps.
Mom is busy Squealing away over here, so cute she says.
We just want to say to your Mommy: Don't Give Up! It took six months for the doggies to get use to me. Now I'm getting kisses from Daisy and Deuce and I don't like it at all. It was scary at the beginning but now I'm part of the family.
Sweet Pea is so adorable. We think that she will become a great artist like her daddy! We are glad to hear that your Mommy has some time off!
Wishing you a nice long weekend!
Big hugs,
When we were about two months old our mom Briti started behaving like that. Started hissing whenever she saw us. Wanted us to get a place for our own. But after some time she was okay with us again and now we are all the bestest of friends (mostly).
I don't think you should get discouraged. I think maybe it is harder to get used to a new kitty with just short, periodic visits. If Sweet Pea were there constantly, I'll bet you would get used to each other more quickly. But now, each time she is like a new kitty!
It took 6 months before Abby was comfortable with the other four kitties in the house...do not despair...
Is Deli a little jealous to have another GirlCat in the house--even if Sweat Pea is a LittleGirlTortieTart? I think everything will work out--and your Mommy and The Ball Guy shouldn't be discouraged. I gotta say, I do LOVE how Sweet Pea looks as an Apprentice......
Looks like Sweetpea is settling in even tho you both don't get along yet. It can take a long time, months even for new kittens to be accepted by all the cats. Be patient!
WE are hoping you three will learn to get along. Hope the feliway will help
Give Deli time and we're sure she will come around........if not, you can send Deli to us.....:)))))))))
it's going better there than it would here. I won't hear of any little introoders! this is MY roost!
our bean on the other hand... she keeps wanting to cuddle that kitten. wasn't ONE rugrat coon kitten enough? sheesh...
Hopefully things will get a little easier with Sweet Pea. It takes time.
She's such a little rascal!
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