It's Samson here - writing for Sweet Pea. The Ball Guy tried to interpret her kitten-speak, and well, his translation was even harder to understand than Sweet Pea's words (he mumbles a lot)! And since she's still too young to type, and Deli feels that she's been more than charitable with the little legume, I'm the only one left to write Sweet Pea's first Tortie Tursday. It's okay, because I've come up with a perfect plan to make Delilah and Sweet Pea get along.
Delilah and I pooled our allowance to get the balance of the Christmas gifts, and because she's so busy training with her soccer balls, she tucked her portion of the cash in my chest furs and said 'Buy yourself something nice, sweetie'. Now that could easily be (mis)interpreted to be 'Buy something nice for Sweet Pea' dontcha think? So that's exactly what I did. I went to see my friends Jane and Alice at The Casbah Kitten and bought Sweet Pea one of the Kitty Coasters from their Etsy Store! Personally, I think this one looks like a pizza, and because Mommy said that the first night they brought Sweet Pea to her new home, she stole a piece of ham from Mommy's pizza, I thought it was the perfect gift.

With the balance of the money, I bought raffle tickets to win a years supply of Greenies from the Santa Paws drive. All the proceeds go to help kitties and doggies in shelters have a good Christmas. If I win, I'll tell Deli that Sweet Pea got us all those treats, and I'll tell Sweet Pea that both Delilah and I bought her the Kitty Coaster pizza! They'll both shower me with kisses and then they'll like each other. As I said, it's the perfect plan.
Now a little video of Sweet Pea being her cute little kitten self! She's such a cutie! I think The Ball Guy filmed a bit of a 'personal' moment at the end, but Sweet Pea is still a baby, so I don't think she'll mind.
Our Tortie friend, Callie, from the Kitty Krew is in need of some purrs. She's not feeling very well and 'The Mommy' and the rest of the Krew are very worried about her. We're sending some big purrs over there to make sure she gets better soon!
Those are real cute photos! Sweet Pea is a lovely "little legume!"
I understand Delilah's feelings! I don't get along with my sister!
Cute video and pictures.
We're purring hard for Callie!
Oh the cuteness of this little legume! Is the Ball Guy drawing her over and ower again?
We think your plan rocks, Samson. Good luck that everything works out nicely.
Purrs to your friend to feel better asap.
Siena & Chilli
She is winning everyone's hearts!
Aw...she's such a cutie!! We hope your plan to get Delilah to like Sweet Pea works!
Sweet Pea is so adorable. That cat coaster is pretty cool too!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
She really is a Sweet Pea! Nice video.
She sure is a little cutie - such floof! It's nice of you and Deli to share your bloggie with her. We like your plan for helping the two of them get along, we bet it will work great.
And thanks you so much for posting about Callie, you're all such great friends! ::hugs::
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Samson, you are such a good guy! You are trying to help efurryone! You help Sweet Pea write the blog, and buy her a lovely present. You help Deli like Sweet Pea a little more, too! No wonder everybody loves you! And then you are charitable with your allowance monies, to boot!
And Sweet Pea is absolutely adorable in her little video. She is so well named.
You are a good brother and friend trying to please everyone. Sweet Pea is a cutie!
How sweet of you to help lil sweet pea! Hopefully you win those treats!
Samson, your plan is PURRfect!!! They will both shower you with kittie kisses! And, Sweet Pea is getting bigger too! We thick the way to get Deli to like her is by teaching her to like beer, then they can kick back and pound a few! Cricket and Sweet Pea would be furry good furriends, since they're semi~close in age. And we all know that Cricket LOVES beer!
OHHHHHHHHHHH, to be young again!!!!!!! She is so adorable and makes us wish we were years and years and years younger!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
Absolutely beautiful.. Just adorable.. HUgs GJ xx
I know Deli isn't too keen on the Little Legume---although she is a fabulous and cute little feline. Thanks for sharing the video and photos--I think we need to go shopping!
Samson, you are the most handsome AND the sweetest Mancat ever! That is so nice of you to try to get Deli and Sweet Pea to like each other with gifts. That kitty coaster looks pawsome!
We'll have to come back to watch the video cause we can't see it on mommy's ancient work computer but we need to see the adorable Sweet Pea in action!
Great plan, we think. Should work like a dream.
And Sweat Pea continues to be so very cute. So sweet when a kitten is doing big cat impressions.
Yes Samson, that sounds like the purrfect plan! You're sweet to try to bring those two girls together:)
Delilah, you're a sweet heart to write for Sweet Pea. I have to say she is adorable.
Sweet Pea is such a cutie! Good luck with the plan to help Delilah get along with her!
For the love of Cod! I'm trying to hold out Deli, and not squeal over SP for you, but really! Mom is already beside herself.
Hi Samson!
I don't get it, why can't sisfurs just get along. Sweet Pea is an adorable gerl, she even made mom squee...hope yoor plan works.
Samson, we just came back and watched the video of Sweet Pea. Our mommy just thinks she's so cute and she makes funny noises when watching her. We are thinking Deli might be onto something by keeping her away. We don't like sharing attention!
She is so cute thatwe watched her video twice. That is a good plan Samson. We hope it works.
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