I look a little scraggly because I had a little accident on the way over and Mommy had to towel me down. I couldn't help it - I was just a tiny bit scared.
We came over to the new apartment last night with Mommy, and both Deli and I are very upset! We didn't let her get any sleep last night because we were both walking around crying. The movers are coming on Friday with the rest of our furniture, so this place is empty and scary!
Mommy keeps saying that we'll learn to like it, but I decided to spend most of my time under the sofa. Mommy put my hairy blanket under there with me so I felt secure.
Delilah is even more upset than me and does not want to eat, so Mommy is off to buy some tuna (which she loves more than anything) and maybe some other things that she'll eat. Mommy had a cat many years ago that had lipidosis, so she knows that not eating for too long is very bad for a cat. I didn't eat until this morning, but she breathed a sigh of relief when I did.
What's even worse about the situation, is Sweet Pea is enjoying OUR former home! This is definitely a travesty!
Ahh, the memories of being back in our real home with all those boxes. Maybe Mommy will change her mind and move us back there soon.
We are sorry you're not happy right now, but as we all have done, you will learn to grow and love your new home. We still think it's such a hoot that Sweet Pea now lives in YOUR old home! we think you both look as beautiful and handsome as effur!
We think you'll feel more at home when the boxes arrive with all the familiar smells.
Aw, we're sorry you're not happy right now, Samson. We agree, we think you'll feel better when your "stuff" arrives. Moving sounds scary to us--we've never had to do it, except from the shelter to our townhouse!
Sending lots of purrs and good vibes that Delilah starts eating today and that you both settle in quickly.
Oh it is not fun to move, is it! We hated it when we had to. But once your furniture is there you will feel a bit better - it will make the place seem more familiar.
We are sending over lots of comoforting purrs for you both, and hope that Delilah is ready to eat soon - we hope the tuna works.
Hey guys glad to see you again!
Hope guys are ok and settle in soon!
Well done, you survived! Things will be better when th stuff with all your smells arrives. Maybe your Mum could get some Feliway diffusers set up, this would make your new place smell more like you both. It's always a shock moving.
Come on Delilah, eat, eat, eat! mmmmm tuna, nom, nom, nom!
Whicky Wuudler
Poor kitties! Not up for adventures, huh? We'll purr that in a couple days you'll both be just fine!
~Lisa Co9T
We HATE moving too (especially Tasha!) so we sympathize very much. We think you'll feel better when the rest of the furniture gets there - that helps us a lot. We think you'll like it when you get used to it though!
P.S. our mom said she read the Tortoes contest info below and she will send a photo of some tortie toes if she can get a good one (it's not easy!)
We're sorry you and your sisfur aren't happy in your new home but we're so glad you both made it safely! We're also glad you are eating and hope that Deli eats her tuna. You'll both adjust to your new home and those floors look fun to chase each other around on too!
PeeS: You're still as handsome as ever Samson!
I'll never understand why humans feel it is necessary to uproot our lives like this. I feel your pain. Although the last time we moved, the new house was SO much cooler than the old house that we adjusted immediately! Now I barely remember the old place - and I don't care.
Moving is hard! We moved to Virginia from Oregon with 8 cats and I followed the behaviorists advice of bringing a blanket that smelled like the old house, confined them to the master bedroom with that blankie and their "accessories and we slept in there with them at night. We didn't let them have free run of the house for about 7 days, and by then they were much more relaxed, but we still confined them to the bedroom when we were asleep or not home.
Sometimes when they have too much new territory to patrol, especially without their familiar furniture and scents, it can be unnerving for a cat...
The behaviorists say that the cat should be the last thing that you move to your new home, after all the familiar things are already there, but to still do the slow introduction to the whole house.
Because we were moving across country, we couldn't follow their instructions exactly, but we did our best.
Moving is not fun and Scary. Wt least you did not have to move far. Cross country moves are really hard on kitties and doggies and kids. It will take time, but you will learn to love the new place! WE will send soothing purrs to you!
Dont be scared little one's You have your mum with you and when your furniture arrives you will feel more at home .. Purring you settle in soon.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh, we're sorry that you're unhappy, but you should give the new home a chance. Thomas moved house, he said he didn't like it at first, but now he loves it as this place is much better then our old home.
Moving is never fun but you will adjust! Maybe some catnip willt ake the edge off... We have moved lots of times - Chica and Yoko our oldest have moved 8 times! They are pros at it!
Poor furriends! Give it a little time though, maybe the new surroundings will turn out better than they seem now. Hang in there!
It is so upsetting to move. The day I moved in here I was so mad, I spitted and hissed and growled and acted real tough because I wanted to go back to my house too. I didn't know that this was my forever house and that I had actually fallen into kitty heaven. You'll see that your new home will work out and you'll be so happy there!
We're sorry you had to have such a stressful move (and I TOTALLY understand about that 'accident' thing) but your mom's right. You'll settle in and it will feel like home in no time.
Awwwwww I am so sorry my furriends, change is not easy on us kitties but you will gets use to it soon enough, especially when all your fings arrives.
Sendings you Purrrrrrrrrrrrs
Sorry you had to move. When we moved here, all my cat were in the upstairs closet together. Even those who didn't like each other. Why did you have to move ?
change = BAD
But pretty soon it won't be change, it'll be normal. When Mommy moved across country Angel Dusty got into the attic and stayed there two days! hang in there.
xx lounge kats
It will get better sweet kitties ~ honestly truly! Soon it will feel like home with all your furniture that will smell more like home and look more like home.
Hope you sleep better tonight!
xo Catherine
Samson, it's okay to be a little scared when you move someplace new. But as soon as all your furniture gets there with all your smells on it, you'll start feeling better about your new place.
Hope all your stuff makes it feel homey. Maybe your Mom could get kitty hormone sprays to make it easier.
We are purring really hard that you feel at home soon. We think home is anywhere our mom and dad are...your stuff will be there soon.
Big purrs, Cory
Oh, Samson, you poor sweetie having to sleep under the couch. We hope you get used to your new place soon. When Baby came here to live (from being in a cage) she hid in a little box for days.
Awww... you poor guys... but just think how exciting it is to explore new places!
We hope you settle in soon ~ it's bound to be scarey. We're gonna hafta go through this year too ~ 'cos mom and dad are going to sell our house and buy another. In the meantime we are sending you purrs.
Moving is very, very scairty! I think once all your stuff is moved in you will feel better.
Aw, friends! Moving is tough. We know you will get used to your new home soon and everything will be okay. We hope Delilah starts eating soon. When the movers get your furniture into your new place, everything will be familiar again. Purrs!
We agree, Samson ... moving is really scary! We hope you and Delilah feel a little bit better once all your stuff is set up.
We've lived in our house forever so we've never had to move. I think once your furniture gets there and you have familiar things and smells, you'll be OK.
Welcome back! I've moved several times in my 14 years and you do get used to it. I hope things settle down quickly for you.
I'm so sorry to hear that you and Deli have not adjusted well to your new home yet. It will take a little time -- but not too long. It will help when all your furniture and things are there, too, because they will have all the old familiar smells.
I sure hope the tuna entices Deli to eat. Just relax, you two, and soon everything will be normal again.
I am really sorry that you are a bit scared of your new home. It will be better when all your stuff arrives and the place starts looking and smelling more like home.
Oh, dear, darling friends. We are happy that you are moved, but very unhappy cuz you are so unhappy....all we can say is we understand totally, as we have both moved several times with mama.....we hope you will believe us when we tell you it will all be fine and you'll soon love it there. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just remember the words of that mr. Obama about change: Yes, we cat.
We hope you get to like your new place soon.
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