Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tortie Tuesday

Sweet Pea here!

I'm posting today to remind you all to please join us for our commentathon tomorrow! It is our second blogaversary and we're going to be donating 50 cents for every comment (one per blogger) to Chrystal at Daily Dose of Dogs to help her build their cathouse.

If that's not enough motivation to drop by and visit, how about a cute Sweet Pea face?

I knew that would work!!

See ya tomorrow!

Sweet Pea


BeadedTail said...

We can't resist your sweet little face Sweet Pea so we'll for sure be back tomorrow to comment!

Raymond and Busby said...

Sweet Pea we will be there with bells on. Well, not real bells but you know what we mean! xoxo

The Chair Speaks said...

Sweet Pea is beautiful and look good in blue!

Karen Jo said...

I can't resist you at all. I will be back tomorrow.

Mr Puddy said...

Sweet Pea.

Better do more nap today cause it's going to be big day for you tomorrow !
and I will keep in mind, and see you tomorrow.


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Man, I LOVES me some Tuesday...

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Sweet Pea!!! Me and Charlie are already queueing up for tomorrow's fab commentathon!! Awwww you're all lovely!! Hello adorable Samson, Delilah and bella Bella!! Take care

Vicki said...

What a great place to be to make sure you are part of the action!

Marg said...

Sweet Pea, you are living up to your name by looking so darn Sweet and so darn cute. We sure will be here tomorrow. That is a great thing to do for all those animals at Chrystals. Take care and see you tomorrow.

Catherine said...

Banjo and I will be back tomorrow to be sure! :)
xo Catherine

The Florida Furkids said...

We'll be back tomorrow!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

The Island Cats said...

We would donate $$ just to see Sweet Pea's face!!

Kea said...

MOL @ The Island Cats comment!

We'll be back tomorrow!

Stina said...

Cute little cat.,:-)

Hannah and Lucy said...

You're looking cute Sweet Pea - as usual!! We will be back tomorrow to comment for Chrystals animals.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks for the reminder, we will drop by fur sure! Those are cute pictures Sweet Pea!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I'll be back tomorrow!!! Butt I want to say Happy Blogaversary today too.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Your beautiful Tortie face could make my mommy do anything.
('course, I trained her since I'm a Tortie)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We will be back tomorrow, will your cute face be here?

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Darlin' Sweepy, we will be here!!!! We love Ms Crystal and what she's doing for the homeless kitties and woofies.

Love to all The Monkeys, to you, Sweepy, and to the humans.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Pea is the clincher. Who wouldn't come back to celebrate after seeing a face like that!

I'M EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

See yoo tomorrow!

Katnip Lounge said...

Well of course we'll be there!

Cat said...

Nobody could resist your adorable face Sweet Pea...we'll be there!!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

We'll be here for sure... for the Commentathon AND the sweet Sweet Pea face!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We will be back tomorrow Sweet Pea.

CCL Wendy said...

Not to worry, I would come and see you guys anyway! I'm glad I didn't miss your sweet face today, though Sweet Pea (you're so well named)!


Sweet Pea

Resistance is futile!
We'll BE BACK tomorrow!


Mickey's Musings said...

Oooooo!! That sounds like a really cool idea :) See ya then cutie pie !!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

meowmeowmans said...

Your commentathon for Chrystal sounds PAWSOME! We were going to come by regardless, but that offer of a cute Sweet Pea face totally sealed the deal.

See you tomorrow! :)