Everycat knows that cat cubes are secret places where we can contact other cats telepathically, and since Sweet Pea lives with her Daddy and we have a lot of training to do, I begged Mommy to get both Sweet Pea and I new cat cubes. My old one was dropping a lot of calls.
I immediately got in my cube to try to contact Sweet Pea.
Delilah (telepathically): Sweet Pea, can you hear me now?
Sweet Pea (out loud): Hey, I think I hear voices in this thing. Deli? Is that you?
Delilah (telepathically): Yes, it's me. Now get in your cube and use your mind to speak. We can't let the humans know what we're up to!
Sweet Pea (out loud): Okay!! But it doesn't really matter because my Daddy is sleeping. He's an artist so his schedule is wonky.
Sweet Pea (out loud) Hey!! There's ribbons in this thing!! Yay!!
Delilah (telepathically): Please try to concentrate, Sweet Pea!
As you all can tell, I have my work cut out for me! I'll keep you all up to date with my progress.
This is going to be interesting!
Uh oh... does this mean if I smoochie one of you, the other will know and I won't be able to get extra smoochies from the other Tortie beauties?
Cubes look so cool! Mom won't get them for us because she says we'll make messes in them. Hope you get through with that telepathic thing.
Awwww clever Delilah and wonderful Sweet Pea!!!! Me and Charlie love your magical cubes and we hope you get to practice your telepathy lots and lots!!! Enjoy!!
Hugs to magical bella Bella and handsome Samson! Take care
MOL, good luck Delilah getting Sweet Pea to concentrate. But that is a great idea to try to see about Bella. Those cubes look so terrific. We have one too and love ours so maybe we can telepath to you Delilah and Sweet Pea. Take care.
We think we'll have to put cubes on our wish list cos we would like to be able to send telepathy messages to mum to keep supplying us with extra rations!!
Those cubes really do look like fun. Of course, I think kitties can have fun just about anywhere with anything!
Have a fun Tuesday sweet kitties!
xo Catherine
We, too, think Sweet Pea might have a bit of difficulty concentrating. Keep at it, Delilah, though! We're sure you'll make progress!
Oh dear! We hope your training gets better!
The Mum says she got Lola dynmaite toy from a small pet shop in the UK. However she has found some for sale online in the USA (not exactly the same as ours)
But The Mum says if you want some like ours she can pick you up some and mail them to you.
I didn't know that about those cube things! Hey, maybe that's the real reason I don't have one!
Mommy laughed aloud. I have no idea why!!
If I tried that wiv Alfie, I'd be there for YEARS!
Milo xx
It's gonna be tough if Sweet Pea's cube gets all the game channels!
Good luck Delilah...seems like Sweet Pea has her cube set on random change. :)
What a cute post!!!!!!
Good luck, Deli!!!!!!!!! Maybe you should align yourself with Bella and learn her magical powers??????
Oooops, we enjoyed your post so much we forgot that we meant to thank you for helping make Korinna's birthday so very special.
Wow, we didn't know we could use our cubes to communicate! We're gonna try that!! But we won't try to communicate with Sweet Pea...she still needs some training!
Good luck Deli. It sounds like it is going to be a long hard slog training Sweet Pea's telepathic skills.
Me would love to has one of those cubes, but mes not good at the telepathy thing. If I was there would be no brat bugging me!
Now Sammy-Joe is adding ANOTHER thing to his birthday list! His birthday list will be fifty miles long, by March1
Yes, we can see that concentration on your beautiful face.
Good luck Delilah!
♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
Deli, you made us laugh! We think it's going to take awhile to train Sweet Pea how to use those magical powers!
Ah, the best laid plans of mice and cats gang aft aglay! Seems like someone was a little distracted there -- telepathy requires absolute focus.
I never knew those cubes had such powers before -- interesting!
I don't know what Mom found so funny, but she laughed and laughed...
Oh wow, so that's why Bennette has been spending so much time in our cube! When I've been in there I just go to sleep...but now I'm wondering what I've been missing. Who is Bennette communicating with? Delilah, have you been sending secret telepathic messages to our cube?
CUTE post !!!! cute as pie photos : )
we love our two cubes. we even created our OWN special window in one of ours to see through. mom doesnt know how we did it but dont underestimate the powers of the cat. Right!
Sweet Pea is still a kitten at heart! Good luck trying to figure out Bella.
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