Mommy has to go to work even though I know she's as tired as I am.
I'm doing my part by not moving off the bed so she doesn't have to make it. I'm also adding some valuable furs and crud to her dark sheets.
We all have to lend a paw when we can.
Bundle up, Mommy!
My friend, we should do an exchange. You come here where it's nice and warm, I'll go there where it's cold and I'll surround myself in bootiful torties to keep warm!!
Yoo are so considerate and helpful. No wonder yoor mom adores yoo! MOL!
Awww sweet Samson!! You are being very helpful and wonderful!!! Me and Charlie are also saying a big warm hello to adorable Delilah, bella Bella and Sweet Pea!!! We hope your mum wraps up warm too!!!! Take extra special care please! x
Brrrrrrr! Send your Mommy out with lots of warm purrs!!!
Samson, you're doing a great job helping your mom with the sheets! We're sure she appreciates the extra warmth your furs provide.
It's COLD here too...-23C this AM, no windchill.
When is Spring going to arrive???
Oh MY! I help Mommy the same WAY! She even took a picture of me doing that yesterday she was so proud! I keep her furred up. That's our job, isn't it?
Oh Samson, we knew you were a good boy and now we are sure of it. Good for you to get the Samson hairs on the sheet. You are looking very handsome even if you are trying to snooze. Take care and tell Mom to get some rest. Hope you all stay warm.
Samson - we hope your mom appreciates all you do to help in making her life easier. We know she will take your example and have a nap later.
I'm sure your Mom aPURReciates all your efFURts on her behalf. And you don't even have to lift a paw, Samson! Way to go!
You are so helpful Samson!!! Believe me, I'm certain your mum would have rather stayed in bed with you today :-)
I always send a few extra furrs with my mom when she leaves. Stay warm!
Grand job, Samson....we know your mommy appreciates your help.
Love to all of you.
You're so good to your mommy, you know adding furs will warm up her bed for tonight. Keep warm Samson!
That sounds very cold! Stay warm guys!
Cats of Wildcat Woods
Cat Crud? Just what is this "crud"? boogers?
Well...of the two of you, methinks you have it so much better! You get to stay all toasty and warm takin' your catnaps while she has to go out and brave that awful weather.
Yous so generous with your fur! Our sheets are covered with kitty and doggy furs!
Yous so generous with your fur! Our sheets are covered with kitty and doggy furs!
You are so good to your mum I am sure she so appreciates it.. But oh my that is mighty cold.. Keep warm and snug my friend.. Hugs GJ xx
What a good helper you are! Our Mama got outta bed early today to practice for tomorrow when she gots to go to school... and NOW our job is to KEEP her outta the bed all day long! Any suggestions??? :D
I was so sure it was still Sunday morning when I woke up. But alas, it was Monday and off to work I went.
-44 with the wind-chill! Now that is not nice.
You kitties are so lucky to stay home and keep snuggly in the beds! :)
xo catherine
A little fur on the sheets makes it that much warmer, I always say.
I know you monkeys will meet mom after work and warm her up.
Samson, you're doing a furry good job "decorating" the bed! I hope you and your mom stay warm!! Brr!
Nobody should have to get out of bed when it is that cold! Keep getting those sheets nice and furred and warm.
Wow that sounds COLD! Snuggle up!
Samson, you are so sweet helping your mommy stay warm by furring up her sheets! You are just so adorable too!
Adorable photos, handsome Samson!...Happy week ahead, sweet friends and stay warm!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You're so generous!
Bundle up Mommy!
Samson, what a handsome mancat you are!
It's so hard to watch Mom go off to work. But you know you're making her happy by keeping fluff on the bed! :)
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