Mommy took a ton of boring pictures of her new office that she forced us to look at. My only concern was her immediate desk space. It is important that there is a good representation of us kitties - me in particular!
She has a photo of me on her desktop. Approved!
A mug with a Delilah drawing by The Ball Guy. Approved!
Bella and Sweet Pea are not represented at all, but I'll cut Mommy some slack since the office just moved. Besides, I certainly don't want to lose my spot on her desktop!
P.S. Today is our very special friends, Sammy and Andy's mama's birthday. We love her like our own, so please pass by and wish her a happy birthday!
My mom goes back to work on Tuesday after being home with me since December 20. It's going to be tough!
Total agree with Sweet Praline. That's why My mom don't want to go to work at all but she must ! she still have time cause she have 3 weeks off : )
We love it that yoo are represented on yoor mom's desk!
Maybe yoo should get her a "mouse-mat" wiv Bella and Sweet Pea onnit?
I love the screen saver Samson ~ you look extra grand! :)
I really like the color of mom's office walls too ~ such a pretty green. Perhaps mom could get a digital picture frame and have lots and lots of photos of all you kitties. It wouldn't take up much space and then she could look at you kitties all day... errr... between getting her work done of course... ;)
Happy Monday!
xo Catherine
Great looking work space!!! Mom has only been off since Thursday and she doesn't want to go back to work at all!
Awwww lovely Samson!! Me and Charlie are glad you approve of mum's new workspace!! We particularly love her gorgeous screensaver of you and that adorable mug with the drawing of sweet Delilah!! We hope to see sweet Sweet Pea and bella Bella represented on her desk soon too! Take care
My mommy said you babies are t- totally gorgeous. She's wants to come and snorgle all those bellehs!
We think that Milo and Alfie's idea about a mousepad with Bella and Sweet Pea is great...then there would be full Monkey representation at the office!
PS, I go back to work tomorrow - ugh!
We love the picture of Samson on the screen saver and Delilah's pic on the mug. Where are Delilah and Sweet Pea going to be???
The mom left us this morning to head back to work. We've been abandoned, again!
The mouse pad is a great idea, or a calendar! The mom made a calendar of all of us for Grandma, and she loved it.
Good luck to your mom on her first day back...and at her new office!
Glad Mom's work is closer and easier to park. We are also glad to see you are the center of attention at the office Samson. But I bet the girls will be there soon or at least their pictures will be. Take care all of you.
We are happy that Mom does not have to go so far to work.
Gotta have kitties at work. It's a rule! How nice for your Mom to travel less, more time for treat shopping!!!
We are all sending fun purrs to Mamabug Judi today!
YAY, we are so happy to hear that your mommy doesn't have so far to drive to work now.....and that it is easier for her to find a parking spot!!!!!
Bella, and Sweepy, we know you will both soon be represented on her desk cuz she loves ya.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for helping make today such a special birthday for mama. We love y'all very much.
We knew your mom couldn't go all day without seeing your handsome face represented at her work! That mug of Deli is really cool too. We bet she'll have something with Sweet Pea and Bella on them there soon too.
Hope you all have a good day resting up until she gets home again!
Yes, we went by to wish Judi a Happy Birthday!
Wow, that's great that you're front and center in your Mommy's new office, Samson! She must think about you all day long. And then every time she takes a sip of coffee she must be thinking of Deli.
We agree that Bella and Sweet Pea need some representation. Maybe the Ball Guy should draw a picture of all four of you and get it framed!
How neat that the office moved closer to your digs! And we approve too of the pictures of you two at her desk. Cool!
Our mom went back to work today too after being off since Dec. 22. She was not happy!! We'll try to make her feel better when she comes home tonight!
Wow, your Mama has a nice office! Is she home yet? Did she enjoy her first day back at work? \
Glad to see you got pride of place on the desktop Samson. Mum has got us both on hers, but just me on the laptop.
Samson that is a very handsome picture of you on your Mom desktop (boy there were alot of icons)....just wait until she totally moves in there will be some Sweet Pea and Bella.
Happy purrday Miss Judi.
My mom has me and my momma Ellie as her "wallpaper"...she also has a framed picture of Jonesie...and a frame with most of our Bridge Angels and Madison...but most of the newer additions aren't represented. Shhh...I better not say anything! Mom needs an update on her office decor.
your desk reminds me of mine when I used to be employed (hmmm a JOB, what's that?? lol)....
I used to have my Bobo EVERYWHERE I could put him!
Made the day so much better!
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