I am feeling so much better this week after my recent bout of interstitial cystitis. Thank you for the purrs - they really seem to work!
Mommy has been feeling guilty for all the stress she's been putting me through so she bought me a really cool present! A very manly camouflage tent! She didn't know they had pet stuff at Ikea, but when she saw this, she thought it was the perfect gift for me. If you look closely at the pattern, you can see that it has a lot of cat silhouettes in different colours. Actually, there are a whole bunch of things she wants to get for us at Ikea now!
She can be pretty cool sometimes. She sprinkled the inside of the tent with catnip, threw in my nip candy cane and I had a really fun time!
Clearly this is a Mancat tent, so Delilah will know better than to come in, but just in case, I better keep watch.
That is a seriously cool tent. It reminds me a bit of a tortie's fur pattern, so don't be so surprised if Delilah comandeers it for herself!
I am glad that you are feeling better, Samson. Your tent is great.
Samson, that is a neat-o tent!
So glad you are feeling better!
That tent is just too darn cool! We didn't know Ikea had pet stuff!
Oh, Samson, that tent really suits you.
Samson we are purring you continue to feel better. That is a very neat and manly tent. So glad your Mom got it for you so you could enjoy it, and adding the nip was extra nice of her. ~AFSS
What a cool tent! It's screams manly man
We're glad you are feeling better Samson. Very cool tent! We have an Ikea tent but it's not nearly as cool as yours. We may have to send Mom to Ikea again soon.
Hi Samson! We are so happy to hear you're feeling better! :)
We LOVE your tent. It's definitely mancat-ly!
Wow!!!!!!!! Really cool tent, Samson.....and the colors compliment you so well. We're very happy to hear that you're feeling much better....we will continue purraying for you, dear friend.
Wanna get away somewhere warm this coming weekend????? :)
We love you guys.
You have a really cool tent! mom has never been to Ikea so had no idea they have pet things!
Samson, you, Deli, and Sweet Pea hang in there until Friday and we'll see if we can't warm things up for y'all......:)))) xxxxxxxxx
We love that tent, Samson! Real mancatly!!!
Wally & Ernie
Hey, we gave you an award. Stop by to pick it up!
You look cool in your kitty cat tent ...
This is a very cute tent and you look so cool in it! You might have problems with your sister. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better Samson.
We're so glad you are feeling better Samson! It was furry nice of your mommy to get you such a cool Mancat tent! You look so handsome in it too! Ikea has a neat black cat pillow with eyes that we want but mommy hasn't got us yet. She thinks we have enough stuff already - can you believe that?
That is one of the coolest and most mancatly tents I have ever seen, Samson! Catmouflage is for mancats, not for sissy girls.
The orange colours really go well with your black and white furs, too! You look so relaxed in there -- good idea Mom!
Samson, we are furry happy that you are feeling better and we luff your very cool tent!
Samson, we are so glad you are feeling better. And we are very envious of your gorgeous tent (Tasha says it looks like a tortie tent though, so watch out!)
We also wanted to say that we LOVE the portraits that the Ball Guy made. We have hearted your Etsy shop (we are "secret admirers", in case you are wondering who that is!) We think the Ball Guy should sell ACEO's - our mom collects them.
P.S. you guessed right that that was Dobby trying to snuggle with Tasha! He likes her - not sure why :)
Dude--you have the BEST Man Cat Tent! I'm gonna make sure Tommy sees this and hikes to IKEA to get us one. YOu look great and I'm glad you're feeling better. Tell Deli tis is Man Cat Turf!
That is a wonderful tent. We are glad you are feeling better now.
A ManCat tent? That's so cool! You are so lucky so have such a wonderful Mom:)
Wow ~ what a fun present! And look how cute your are sitting in it...errr...I mean handsome and mancatish sitting in it! :)
Your very own tent, how cool is that! Now you have your very own home at home.
So manly! You are so handsome Samson. Sigh.
Mom wanted to know what olympic sport did your Mom's family participate in?
That is the coolest mancat tent ever...and us girls would be in it in no time!!!
Ohhh, that's a great mancat tent, Samson! We know you'll love it. Hopefully Deli will let you keep it for yourself.
We're glad you're feeling better!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We got a mantent like yours, too. But we only see it when kittens are around cuz they like to play in them mewmie says--what about us??
We also have that big cat tree and a wicker cat perch from IKEA too, and that cute blankie with cats on it...
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