I've decided to take over all the chairs here so there's no room for any other cats. I've got three chairs claimed and a paw free for a fourth!
I need a little 'me' time, so no Torties better come near me!
They won't find me here!
P.S. From Mommy. In case you missed Deli's update yesterday, Sweet Pea's surgery went smoothly and she is now at home with her Daddy. Thank you all so much for your purrs!
You are a sneaky lil' devil...nobody will ever find you hiding on those chairs...ever!
Hi Samson! We know what you mean about too much tortie - and we only have to deal with one of them!
Purrs from Franklin and Dobby
P.S. We are glad Sweet Pea is back home, though!
Samson, we think you are well hidden! Glad Sweet Pea is OK.
I am sure that no torties will find you there, Samson. I like the way you are taking up all the chairs so you can have some alone time.
Samson, you are definitely well-hidden. We are happy to hear the news about Sweet Pea.
Sampson, we are LOVING that chair hogging picture!
We're glad Deli is OK too. Purrs.
Dude. You are like the poster boy for handsome man cat. That pose is the BEST!!
(we have to admit, we'd never get sick of the bootiful torties...)
Poor Samson. The only mancat AND the only tuxie. That means that you need extra snuggles from your mom. But, um, you may need to find a better hiding spot......
Samson...you're safe under there!! At least for awhile!!
Glad Sweet Peas' surgery went well!
Samson, we're not sure there's any place you can hide.... :-)
We did miss Sweet Pea's update yesterday, so thanks for posting she's fine and back home. Hurrah! Continued purrs for a speedy healing!
Dude--you got your place claimed--and all Torties...well--wait, who IS that on the table...? Wait--you still got all the chairs, and that's all that matters!
We saw Sweet Pea's update and we are just beside ourselves purring at the thought of the Ball Guy going to the v-e-t early just so he could be with the little tyke while she recovered.
Samson...we are studying your technique on how to takeover multiple chairs at the same time. You are quite talented and VERY handsome.
Samson, we hate to tell you, but Delilah is right there by you!
ps-glad Sweetpea's procedure went well!
Awww, poor Samson! Hope your alone time lasts a bit. Glad to hear Sweet Pea is doing great and that her surgery went well!!!
That tortie of yours is sneaky ... but won't get on any of your chairs though.
Samson, we love torties here but we could never have too much of you! We don't think any tortie in your house will find you under the table either. You are so smart and incredibly handsome!
Angel and Isabella
PeeS: We are very happy that Sweet Pea is back home with her daddy!
YAY!!!!!! we are happy to see you are in charge today, Samson!!!
Sending purrs to y'all....with a few extra for "Sweepy" for what she went through yesterday.
Samson, you got the right idea. I would hog all those chairs too, well just because I COULD!
Poor Samson, can't stand not being in the limelight. Well, you won't get much light under the table like that! What a funny boy!
We're so glad that Sweet Pea is fine and back with her Daddy. I'm sure she doesn't know what hit her.
I hope you get a little "me" time to enjoy handsome!
You got the perfect hiding place there. I am glad to hear Sweet Pea is doing well and back with her daddy. Bless her.. Hugs GJ xx
Samson you are so cute under that table keeping all your chairs to yourself! We are sure that no torties will be bugging you today!
And we are so glad that Sweet Pea's surgery went well - we knew she would come through just fine!
Samson, we can understand how the tortie-ness can be a little much sometimes. We think you have a great place to hide there!
We're sorry we missed the post yesterday about Sweet Pea's surgery but are glad to hear all went well. We hope she bounces back to her cute little self in no time.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
PS - sorry we didn't get here in time to let you know about your award on our bloggie, but we're glad you found it! :)
We like your technique for hogging all the chairs. That is good news that Sweet Pea is back home with her dad.
Hi Samson
We are glad you got some "me" time...we all need that from time to time. You've got a great technique there too...no one will ever find you.
:::tee hee::::
We are soooo glad to hear Sweet Pea's spay went well and she is recovering! Yay!
Concats to Sweet Pea on her WIN!!! YAY!!
Heehee you are so cute, Samson!
Well, I guess I can kind of get what you mean. I mean, for Kenji. Because my sister and I are both torties.
Teehee! That's a great non-tortie place to hang out, Samson! And I think you've definitely established that those chairs (ALL of them) are yours. ;)
Concats to Sweet Pea on her win in the Kitty Fight Club. We are also SO happy her surgery went well.
Thanks for stopping by, and for voting for our buddy Pepper. She appreciates your support and friendship greatly (and so do we)!
Hey, a Mancat can claim 3 chairs if he wants to. Who's going to do anything about it?!!
Good hiding place.
Glad Sweet Pea's surgery went well.
SWEET PEA TAKES IT ALL... in Kitty Fight club, not all YOUR stuff. Hoep you are all well!
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