Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

We want to wish all of our Canadicat friends a fun and safe Canada day!

Mommy is a little concerned about me because she came home to find this mystery cut over my eye. She washed it and put some antibiotic cream on it to make sure it doesn't get infected, but she's been combing the house looking for Monkey matter and she can't find where I might have cut myself. I refuse to tell her how I got it. I think it makes me look rugged, handsomely tough and a just a little bit dangerous!



BeadedTail said...

Oh noes Samson! We're sorry you got hurt and we hope it heals quickly. We're very glad you didn't hurt your eye. The cut does make you look rugged but we're quite alright with the sensitive Samson so you be careful!

Happy Canada Day to all of you!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Setzer, also a long haired cat, gets them once in awhile, Mom thinks it is caused by the dew claw during bath time. We hope your boo boo heals fast Samson=^Y^=

Karen Jo said...

I hope you heal up quickly, Samson.

Kea said...

Happy Canada Day to you all as well! We wouldn't want to live anywhere else...though we could take a pass on winter. :-)

Samson, oh, that cut....Hmmm, mancats never tell, true. We're wondering if you had a spat with anyone--we hope not. Anyway, we do hope that cut heals quickly!

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day! Hmmmm, Canada Day....cut over eye.....Samson? You weren't playing hockey were you? Did someone have to go to the penalty box for being rough?

We hope the rest of the day is incident free.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Poor Samson ~ that boo-boo looks ouchy! get well soon. (Did yoo get it in a scrap? Yoo can tell us ~ we'll keep a secret!)

Happy Canada Day!

The Island Cats said...

Hmmmm...could you have scratched yourself a little too hard, Samson?? We hope it heals quickly!

Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian furiends. Since we live so close to Canada (we can see it from our island) we feel like we should celebrate too!!

Marg said...

Samson, that looks very painful. We sure hope it heals up very fast. You need to be a little more careful
Happy Canada day to you. Hope it is a great day.

Keiko said...

Aw Samson... we hope you didn't get scratchy by another kitty! We are worried about you. Mummy found a cut on our Pricilla's nose the other day, like it had a red cut right down the middle. Poor thing!
We also don't know who or what it was... sighs...
Hope you heal up soon handsome!

Keiko said...

And Happy Canada Day!

Cory said...

That's a serious ouchie Samson. Did the girls gang up on you?? We will purr that you heal up quickly.

JC said...

Was there a kitty cat fight perhaps ?

Happy Canada Day to YOU !!!

Big Al .. The Purr Gang blogger of the day ^,,^

(Mom asked me to help which I am but a nap will be needed soon)

Raymond and Busby said...

Samson, maybe your Mom should check Delilah's back claws for bits of your skin? That looks like a bunny kick injury to us. Hope it heals well, it makes you look very manly.

Happy Canada day!

Jenn said...

Heal up quickly, poor Sammy! Rest assured, tortie gals love their mencats rugged.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Canada Day! That cut looks nasty, But you do look rugged!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Canada Day dear friends!!!!!!!

MOL, and we know you're never going to tell!!!!!!!! Us mancats need "battle scars" at times, even if we get them scratching ourselves!!!!!!!

We are purring that it will quickly heal, Samson. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Quill and Greyson said...

::Showers Sweet Samson Face with healing Kisses::

Oh Samson I hope it heals nicely. You do look roguish now though.

meowmeowmans said...

Poor Samson! We hope your cut heals quickly!

Happy Canada Day! :)

One Cats Nip said...

Oh Samson I hope that cut heals quickly and well..but I must say...looking rugged


Oh Samson
we are sorry you have a boo boo. We sure hope you will tell your Mom how that happened so she can make sure it doesn't happen again.

Thank you for coming by and celebrating with me today.

(and that was Abby typing with her little paws on the keys....on the lapton!)


Mishkat said...

Happy Canada Day! We're sorry to hear about Samson's cut, but it certainly makes him look VERY mancatly. (We hope he didn't tangle with a tortie!)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Canada Day to you.
I have an owie in exactly the same place but I can't blame it on Flynn or a mystery object because mum caught me digging over my eye. She put gel on it but I keep digging and making it bigger.

CCL Wendy said...

Samson, what have you been up to? I hope one of the girl kitties didn't slash you.

Anyway, all of you Monkeys are on the LOLSpot today helping to celebrate Canada Day. You might want to take a look.

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians and Canadicats!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Happy Canada Day! We hope that your ouchie gets better soon Samson. And we hope it wasn't caused by any other cats, maybe if they bopped you. We are sending purrs for it to heal up quickly!

lupie said...

Looks painful Rambo!

Hope it heals soon - you still look all very rugged without it!

Happy Canada Day!

Katnip Lounge said...

The Lady Cats are swooning over you need them to come over and tend to you?

Our company is gone and we are catching up on our friends...Bella seems to be getting more used to you guys. We can't wait for all her furz to grow in. She'll be tres magnifique!