Most of the time she listens to my advice and I've even caught her trying to copy my sleeping positions.
It occurred to me that if Sweet Pea and I can get along, maybe Bella will one day come around. Three cooperating Torties with me as the leader would be unstoppable!
Unfortunately, I have a suspicion that Bella will be a little harder to convince to follow my orders.
I don't know's just a feeling I have.
Yeah, Bella looks a little tougher to convince than Sweet Pea was. We do hope it happens though since all three of you are such beautiful Torties!
MOL! We think you might be right about Bella
Hahahaha! That's a serious face on Bella. Good Luck, Deli, it would be just pawsome if you won her over.
MOL! Yes, Bella does look a bit more challenging. Well, if anyone can convince her, Deli, it's you! :-)
Hmmm, yes, Bella does look like she may be a bit of a tough nut to crack. Maybe SHE wants to be the leader?
Well, Bella ia a bit more 'seasoned' than Sweet you better just let her be until she gives YOU the sign she wants to be girlpals. She's been thru alot--but I knoe you'll have some good stories about her! Lucky Samson tho....
I think Bella might be a little Tortie Persian, which will make it doubly hard to convince her. She has that Diva look. Believe me, I know that one!
I don't know why you's would haf that feeling, but I sorta do too, you know.
Love & Purrs,
Bella does have a great expression on her face. But that is why she has lasted as long as she has. It might take her a while to come around but it will be worth the wait.
Have a great day.
That expression on Bella's face made us laugh. We are glad to see you getting on well with Sweet Pea now Delilah.
Haha ~ oh that 'look' of Bella's... it's intense!! But time may bring her around!
Hope you are having a lovely week!
xo Catherine
Deli, we are happy that you and Sweepy are now friends......we know Bella will be friends with you also, but as she's the oldest Tortie, she may want to be head Tortie!!!!!!!
Oh, Samson, what a beautiful harem you have!!!!!!!!! We are most envious!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
From the look on Bella's face, Delilah, we think you might have an uphill battle there! But we know you girls will all work it out...eventually!
Just give it some time.
We think Bella will come around.
She has a lot of adjustments to make, and it's harder for us older gals.
Hmmmm...yes Bella does appear a bit crabillated. But I'm sure with you as a good role model, she'll come around.
Bella might come around! Looks can be deceiving!
Oh goodness a tortie girl Trio!?!?! I can feel the power already!!
Bella looks to us like a no-nonsense girl! We think it will be a challenge to win her over.
Wow three torties working together could get so much accomplished! But we do have to say we agree that it will be tough to get Bella to agree to join you - her face says it all!
I'm so glad that you and Sweet Pea are good friends, now. She still has lots to learn, and you are a very good teacher, Deli!
With Bella, though, she's used to being a spoiled only kitty, and it's hard for her to share the limelight. Sooner or later she'll come around.
There sure is a lot of tortitude in that apartment, especially when Sweet Pea visits. All I can say is -- poor Samson!
By the way, Bella's on the LOLSpot again. I just love her faces.
I think Bella has her own ideas about everything!
hahahah funny face Bella, you look determined!
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