Mommy says I'm the King of Ridiculous Poses, so I thought I'd show you some of her favorites.
Ready to take a dive off the Papasan.
Some serious napping.
Snoozing on the cool ceramic of the dining room tiles
Chillin' on the couch - potato-style
The 'Of Course I fit in this Tiny Basket' pose
Pretending I am a pair of socks in the chest of drawers.
And my personal favorite - A very furry keyboard in the keyboard box.
I know what you're thinking - these really aren't ridiculous at all. Mommy has a warped sense of normal, I guess.
THey look perfectly normal for a mancat like you!
You made us laugh Samson! You are quite an original napper!
You have many clever positions! We like them all.
Samson you have all the best places to have a quick nap, we love the photos!
We just LOVE yoor napping places ~ they are AWESOME!
Sampson, you are the best. Rumblemum makes fun of my sleeping places, but you put me to shame!!
OH Sampson, we do all that all the time. But we love how you do it better than we do. Those are fantastic pictures.
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Those are some pretty flexible poses there Samson!
Like your chest of drawers ~ IKEA? We have the same ones in our bedroom ~ though Banjo is too heavy to sleep in the drawers ~ he would fall right through! :)
Have a wonderful Monday!
xo Catherine
Oh Samson - these are the best pictures! We love them all, but our favorite is the one of you napping in the dining room.
Those are great photos, Samson. It's hard to pick a favourite, but we loved your crossed paws in the first and the couch one too, the best.
Haha! Samson, I like to sleep in weird positions too...but I don't think they're so weird either!
I thinks you look very handsome in all of them. ~Artemisia
You're making me swoon with all of those poses.
Did you get the carrier yet?
Hope u had a pawsome 4th~!!!
Samson, Andy says they all look perfectly normal to him!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
This is Kringle in Iowa. I like those photos, Mr. Samson--especially the first one!
Kringle ARE the king! Momma can't stop laughing at you in that tiny basket.
You are so darling Samson!!
You got more handsome in each shot.
We loved the floof!
Samson, we love your cute poses!!!
You should write a book on different poses. Perfect. these series of photos made us laff, more with each picture! You look very relaxed and make yourself comfortable where ever!
There's an awardie for your mewmie, and a meme, waiting for her on our blog...
Oh Samson, that one of you in the tiny basket really cracked us up.
Pretty funny poses there Samson! We like the paws crossed one best!
Purrfectly good napping poses. Humans are so dull when it comes to sleeping poses.
you are silly, Samson
Samson, we think your poses don't look ridiculous but instead look absolutely adorable! Actually they are cute overload!
Wow! You really do find the most amazing poses. Quite interesting to see these photos! Maybe my kitties can learn a thing or two from you!
For all the folks (I consider cats and dogs as persons) reading this, my blog has stories and information helpful for cat helpers everywhere.
I pray that all the cat blogosphere kitties stay well!
Those are great Mancat shots, Samson!
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