She is still a bit too young to type legibly, so to save her the embarrassment of spelling errors and kitten talk, I am helping her out.
She had her vet appointment last night and she had her shots and deworming pills, so she's scheduled to meet Samson and I for the first time on Friday. According to the vet, she's in perfect health and she's a full 2 pounds! I hope I don't squish her with my dense, muscular 12 pounds!
I'm quite impressed with her moves, although she is, naturally, displaying a certain kitten-like ineptitude. I especially like her skilled use of the 'I meant to do that' face when she falls on her back and can't quite get up.
I have already developed a certain fondness for the little tyke, however, Torties are not very good at sharing and I'm getting a little tired of it. I'm petitioning to add another Tortie day to the blogging week. Perhaps a Tortie Tursday? I don't care how it sounds, I just want it to happen! I'm using my best stern look so that Mommy does something about this travesty. I've been extremely accommodating and, without a foreseeable end to this cute kitten Tortie madness, I must take matters into my own paws.

I am very accustomed to sharing The Ball Guy's affections with other Torties; I've even caught him browsing the CB looking at Isabella, Tasha, Sweet Praline and Callie (to name a few), and I don't have a problem sharing him with Sweet problem is sharing my Tortie Tuesday with her. It's bad enough that I have to split my blog with Samson, but for the love of Cod, don't mess with my Tuesdays! Join me in protesting this absurd state of affairs!
We'll help you protest...but first we got to watch that video of "Sweet Pea" one more time...
She's precious...but not as precious as you.
There should certainly be one (or more) Tortie days during the week Deli! Maybe Sweet Pea can be on Kitten Katurday or something but your seniority should rule over Tortie Tuesday! Even my mommy made all these funny noises when looking at Sweet Pea's photos and video. She thinks she's an adorable ball of floof. We must protect our Tortie Tuesday from cute kittens!
Such a little new sweetie
very lovely cute photo's
and the video is fantastic :-)
Kareltje =^.^=
She certainly knows how to work the camera!
Deli, you are right to claim Tortie Tuesday as you're rightful day. Tortie Thursday sound like a good idea. Thank you for the video - we're DELIGHTED!
Ohmygoodness! The video Sweet Pea is just too precious. Our mom was squeeing the whole time!
She is adorable!!! We loved watching her video. We definitely think she needs her own blogging day because we still want to see your cute face every week, Delilah!!
What a sweet LittleGirlCat! And Deli--you're wonderful to help out--and she'll need YOU to help around things. I'll help you protest--yet Sweet Pea is precious..
We can never see enough torti pictures!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I'll help you protest after I watch the video one more time. She is so cute!
Sweet Pea could melt an iceberg with one look! So, so sweet.
I have to agree though, Tortie Tuesdays needs to stay with you Deli! Maybe she can have fresh Fridays!
Purrs Shade(senior Sumac feline)
Sweet Pea is so cute.
It is very gracious of you to give up your blog and your time to help her become a fully fledged tortie
I will help you protest but I must just sneak a few more looks at the little darling.. She is so lovely.. You are too though I must add... Hugs GJ xx
Goodness what a delight! Sweat Pea is a cute name and its the nickname of one of my kittes. Maybe she can have Thursdays? Just a thought....good luck with that :)
~Lisa Co9T
Tortie Tursday sounds GRRR-8! Because I HAVE to share my Tuxie Tuesday with the new ball of floof we just got, CRICKET! Mom has come to find she is in fact a Tortie. She's called a Tortie with White. But, Mom likes TortiCo better. Maybe Sweet Pea (when she and Cricket) are a bit older can kick back and drink some beers with you, Deli!
Amen to that, shouldn't have to keep sharing your Tortie Tuesdays with "Sweepee".....why can't she have Tortie Tursday so you can keep your Tuesday????
You have been very sweet to let her have your Tortie Tuesday, and we have enjoyed seeing the little cutie, but we do miss the grown up cutie.
She is so cute! We love the video. I'm so sorry, I did not realize that I have hurt Samson feeling. I removed my post from yesterday. Have a good Tortie Tuesday!
Delilah, maybe you can help the Ball Guy set up his own blog for Sweet Pea, or whatever her name is going to be :) I personally think she looks like a Macy Grey.
Ooooooo, our momma giggled and giggled at the little kitten but we told her to just cut it out and that we is all she needs but she does love those kittens especially when they go upsidedown and then look so silly. Momma says that the kitten's belly needs some serious kissin' and lovin'♥
We think you could have Tuesday and Thursday so you can help the little one !
That is a very sweet video
Maybe you could each blog on tortie tuesday? someone get mornings and the other get afternoons? or one week you get it and the other sweet pea. You must admit that is one cute kitten
The video was so cute. Sharing Tortie Tuesday is not so bad is it? You know what they say - Sharing is caring.
I must say, Sweet Pea is entirely adorable! Yes, I giggled when I saw her struggling to get off her back, there. She's looks like quite the chubby little cherub, but I'm sure it's mostly fur.
The more I see her, the more she looks like Deli to me. She seems to have the same gorgeous colours.
Well, Deli, I don't know why you can't have any day of the week you want for yourself. Mommy could do two posts, instead of just one!
O mai goodness! Sweet Pea is completely adorable! We are sure you will love her!
What a sweet kitten! Who'd you say you were again?
What a little darling. We loved the video.Don't worry though cuz we love you too Deli.
Deli how 'bout havin two posts on Tuesday. Your tortie tuesday post and her mini tortie tuesday post. I have to say she is absolutely adorable...oh kittens are just too hard to not adore.
But true beauty comes out when kittens become cats, like yours.
We have to say, she is a natural in front of the camera. We understand your worries. Maybe there should be two tortie days?
She's certainly a little cutie, but we agree that you shouldn't have to share your Tortie Tuesday with her. We're not sure what's going to happen around here on Tuesdays with Callie and Gypsy... :o
We hope you'll be able to train her right, though. Teach her all about tortietude!
Belated congrats to the Ball Guy for his excellent taste in choice of kittens! :D
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I'm right there with you, Delilah. I don't care how cute that little ball of fluff is. You have rights. There is an order to the world. This is your day.
(Glogirly's cat)
She is SOOO cute!!!
Oh! I agree! You need another Tortie Day! We thinks that video of Sweet Pea is so very cute!
I agree the little butt biter is horning in on your turf... What about Sweet Pea Saturday or Sunday?
She is really cute!
My heart melts for torties! ♥
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