Some of you may know that our Mommy used to smoke. She has quit a few times in the past, but she says she never really wanted to quit. Last month, for no apparent reason, she just decided that she wanted to stop and she stopped...just like that. Delilah and I are very thankful for this because we want our Mommy around for a long time. Now that it's been over a month and she's not afraid to jinx it, we can finally tell her how happy we are that she quit!
I tried smoking when I was a kitten, but it was just so I could look tougher for Delilah. She didn't like it so I quit right away!

Don't forget to enter our
fetching event for the Cat-O-Lympics! Delilah is the athlete of our family. BUT, if there's a medal for spectating, I'll definitely win. Check out my spectacular spectating moves...

You look like you're ready to go diving!
Well done to your mummy!!!
We thinks that your mom has done a great job!
Well done to yoo and your mommy for quitting smoking!
We are gonna enter the "fetching" event tomorrow on our blog (Friday).
Congratulations to your Mommy. She has done a very difficult thing. You are a splendid spectator, Sampson.
Fetching is a very challenging sport, we're sure Deli good chances on winning gold. We're so glad your mom sucessfully gave up smoking! Please give her some noselicks from us!
We're glad you didn't take up smoking Samson, and congrats to your mommy for quitting! Give her a headbutt from us!
Wow, I think Delilah will get the gold for fetching. . . that's an EXTREMELY difficult event! We always forget what we're doing when we try it. . . just can't keep focused.
Yea for mom quitting smoking! Not an easy thing to do. Congratulations to her!
We are so very proud of your mommy. That is something very hard to do and she did it. That is wonderful!!!
We bet you're both really happy about your mom stopping smoking, and we're very excited for her too! We know it's very tough, our Mommy's mom stopped last year and is happy to no longer be smoking (except for the weight she gained...we hope your mom won't have that problem).
We don't know if we'll be able to do the fetching event, that's not something we normally do so we don't think we have any photos or videos that would work! :(
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Concats to your mom for quitting smoking! She deserves a gold medal for that!
I think Ginger wants to be a spectator with you Samson. She is not an cathlete either.
Concats to your Mom! Quitting smoking is NOT easy! But think of all the extra green papers she will have from not buying cigarettes. More money for treats!
Samson, we'll be right there beside you in the spectating arena. YAY and kudos to your mom....our mamabug knows how difficult it had to have been for her. Mamabug quit finally about 3 years ago, after smoking since she was a teeny booper....she, too, had tried to quit many, many, many times. When she left Ireland in the spring of 07, she left her cigs behind and hasn't had even one puff since.....aren't our moms the greatest!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Good job!! Kicking that habit is not an easy one.
Yay to your Mommy she won! Good to you you didnt start hehe and great spectatoring!
Hooray for your mommy! And we're glad you never really got into smoking, Samson.
Kudos to your mommy!!! Our mommy AND daddy smoke! They tried a few times to stop, but it never happened. They talk a good game, but REALLY need to get their butts in gear and do it! "Beans have gears in their butts? Ewww.....
We are so proud of your mom!! She's done a good thing...not only for you two, but for herself as well! Yaay!
I'm so glad you quit. Good for Mom!
Our mom quit smoking over 5 months ago too, and it happened the same way...she was just done with it. We are happy too! And, yes, that is some excellent spectating.
Concatulations to your mommy for quitting smoking! We're sure that wasn't easy but it's wonderful that she'll be around for a really long time!
You are a furry handsome spectator Samson! We all fetch so would love to enter Deli's competition but sadly our mommy doesn't have one picture or video of us doing it. Pitiful huh.
Congratulations to your Mom for quitting smoking.
Most times we don't fetch. We make our humans fetch.
Mom said she can't think of anything at anytime that we've fetched, but she will look over her pictures...maybe her memory is just bad.
purry purrs
What are you doing? A cat-style Mexican Wave? No doubt cheering for your Mommy. What a great achievement.
Well done to your mum for giving up smoking. We are glad you decided against it.
Yay for Mom! Now, maybe she'll be around a lot longer for all of you.
Concats to your Mom, that is so awesome! Did she get very sleepy?
we are glad your Mom and you quit smoking! We think you should both get a gold medal for that!
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