I have been hanging out at Samson, Delilah and Bella's house all week because there were some strange humans putting a new railing on the balcony and their Mommy asked my Daddy to come and make sure that none of us kitties got in the way.
I heard their Mommy mentioning to Daddy that she thinks I like Samson! Of course that is not true! Just because I always want to be near him and try to touch him a lot, doesn't mean I like him!
I want to play with him, have him pay attention to me and sometimes I like to just stare at him when he's sleeping; it certainly doesn't mean that I like him
Besides, even if I did like him, he doesn't even notice me when Delilah is around.
I guess he's more interested in 'mature' tortoiseshells!
Sweet Pea
None of those things mean you like him! You just want to be his friend, a very close friend!
Sweet Pea, we can certainly understand why you'd like Samson because he is such a sweet, handsome Mancat! If we were there we'd be hanging out by him too!
C'mon, truth time ... have yoo got the HOTS for him?
Awww, Sweetie, it's called a crush that you have. We're sure he has a special place in his heart that belongs to you. Dei was first, that's all..and now there's Bella. Poor guy is gonna have a sea of estrogen he's gonna be in...MOL!
Sweet Pea, we think Samson's mancat enough for all of you ladies! Don't give up!
But of course that doesn't mean you *like* him. ;-)
We love the photos of you and Samson together - and even if you don't really *like* him, we are pretty sure he likes you!
P.S. Franklin says that if Samson doesn't pay enough attention to you, you can come over and hang around with him any time.
Isn't love grand? :)
xo Catherine
It's ok Sweet Pea...we all like him too! A lot!!!
xoxo Cory
Oh Sweet Pea, he's probably just playing hard to get.
Awwwwwww, it's not fair, Sweepy!!!!! Sammy has an excellent idea.....he says send Deli to him and then you can have Samson!!!!! (Sammy has always had "a thing" for Deli.)
You are so grown up, Sweepy.....and what a beauty!!!!!!!
Don't forget to catch Femme Friday on our blog tomorrow.....xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Samson is quite the handsome Mancat. We can see why you might have a crush on him.
Tipper & Misty
Sweet Pea
YOu are simply gorgeous!
And you have excellent taste.
Samson is such a wonderful sweet handsome mancat, who could resist?
Sweat Pea--oh how you've grown! I can't believe Samson doesn't notice you---er--well, he really is doing a deep snooze on that box tho.....
Sweet Pea,
You are entitled to stare at Samson all you want. Besides, if he's sleeping how would he know? By the way, you are a very beautiful floofy girl.
We think all the girlcats like Samson. Hey dude, save some for the rest of us mancats!!
Wally & Ernie
He's missing out if he doesn't like you back!
Looks like you all had a nice play-date! Samson is a very handsome mancat, I can understand why you want to be around him.
Of course you like Samson Sweet Pea even if you won't admit it. He is a very handsome mancat
Awwwww, you've got your first crush! How sweet!! He may prefer mature lady cats but you can still be his little sweetie.
Well I know just how you feel Sweet Pea, I like to look at Samson too. I DO have a little crush though.
Kitty crushes are so cute! Same thing happened with Spooky and Aniwa.
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