It's been one of those weird weeks here at the Monkeys'. First Mommy went away and The Ball Guy took care of us (which was great) and then he got sick and then Mommy came home and she got sick and The Ball Guy went home with his feverish self and left a very sniffly and grumpy Mommy with us!
Samson and I were doing our best to catch this Ham Flu until Mommy told us that cats can't get it. Even weirder, both Mommy and The Ball Guy don't seem to be enjoying it. Who doesn't love ham?

If things don't change around here, I think I'd like to trade in my humans for ones that actually do things instead of lying around groaning and complaining! Here's hoping that they both go back to normal for the weekend.
P.S. Our Mom is so out of it that she forgot it was National Feral Cat Day! To honor National Feral Cat Day, I had some allowance left and I made a small donation to The Beaufort Community Cat Project where Dana from The Creek Cats volunteers. We love what they do for feral kitties!
Oh, I hope they just have the regular flu and not the ham flu. The ham flu can be really nasty. Take good care of your Mom and I hope she feels better soon.
Oh goodness, you need to put on your little nurse's uniform and help your momma get better. She needs lots of head butts and purrs to get betters.
And I bet they've been interrupting your sleep with coughing and sneezing!
..... oooo, you'd look SO cute in a little nurse uniform!!!!
Our mummy and daddy had the ham flu - it sucks for human but GREAT for us!! They couldn't leave bed!
We hope your humans feel better soon. Honestly all this fuss over a little ham!
We hope your mommy and the Ball Guy recover from this bad flu very soon! Sorry to hear there is no ham involved!
We hope your mommy and the ball guy feel better soon...maybe they need to eat some ham to feel better!
There seems to be a lot of that going around!!
Have a relaxing, snuggly weekend!!
Thank you so much for your generous donation to the BCCP today!! XOXO
What a nice thing to do to make a donation to the BCCP! They do great work!
We sure do hope your mommy AND the Ball~Guy gets better furry soon!!! Maybe they'll give you some ham and not of the flu type! We hope you all have a wonderfurl weekend!!!
You get ham when you has the flu?? We've never tried ham. But we hope your Mom and Ball Guy get better soon...and give you their ham.
Hope everybody is feeling better soon. Great donation - Dana's group is doign good things for ferals. Happy NFC Day!
We hope your Mommy and The Ball Guy are both well soon....these beans can be a lotta trouble when they're not feeling well, and can wear out our patience....:)))))
Lovely, lovely, lovely pics of you, Deli.
We luvy'all
We hope your mom and the ball guy feel better soon. The ham flu is definitely not fun.
Thank you for making a donation to the Beaufort Community Cat Project. We think that's awesome!
That flu is nasty no wonder your beans are not feeling well Yoju make sure you look after them good.. Get well soon beans.. Hugs GJ x
We're sure it's nice having your mommy home with you but we hope she and the Ball Guy feel better soon!
We hope Mom and the Ball Guy get well soon!
We didn't realize the ball guy is sick too - we hope the ham flu is gone from both him and your mommy soon!
And I will admit - I am not a fan of ham - flu or not. So I guess I would be a "not like ham" person.
That is great that you used some of your allowance to help out those feral cats - they really do need the help!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and your mom gets well quick.
Best to keep them warm, so you'ld better sleep on top of them as much as you can.
We hope they feel better soon.
WE hopes your Mom feels much better furry soon. Apparently the Ham flu is not something any of our beans likes to have.
Oink! Mom had the regular flu not the hammy kind! Hope your Mom and the Ball Guy get better soon!
OOOPs! Sorry, That is Angel on our post today!
Deli, you are so generous to donate a portion of your allowance to help other kitties who aren't as lucky as you.
We sure hope your mom and the Ball Guy feel better soon. It can't be much fun when you're the one doing all the moaning and groaning, either!
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