Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lazy Sunday

One of my many duties around here is to help out with laundry. I think I was elected as a helper because of my love of dirty clothes!

Mommy is taking her time and being lazy today, but I'm here to remind her that it needs to be done!

Actually, this is very comfy. Maybe we should put it off for a bit longer...



BeadedTail said...

She should certainly put off doing the laundry until your nap is over at least! Is that a pink polka dot bikini you are laying on?

Martin Hooper said...

Sam just be careful Mum doesn't put you in the washer!!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We can understand putting it off, that spot looks cozy. We love dirty clothes too, and freshly clean ones to cover in furs. Do you coat the clean ones in Samson furs?

ZOOLATRY said...

We gots a huge pile of laundries on the dining room table this morning. Can you come help us fold it please? We won't be able to eat dinner if it stays there all day (which it will do if left up to our ZH).

The Island Cats said...

Haha! We hope your mom doesn't think your part of the dirty clothes, Samson!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

You got a good spot. Ya wanna come to Dallas to help Tommy? She's a bit 'challenged.'


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Surely she wouldn't disturb you! We agree, better to put it off for a while.

Mishkat said...

We usually prefer clean laundry, but that dirty laundry looks so comfortable that we might try it too!

And our mom says thanks for reminding her that she has to do laundry too :)

Hansel said...

we fink yoo must be great at yoor jobbie ta git ta halp out like dat! we so proud of yoo! :)

Sam and Andy said...

Happy Sunday Samson and Delilah


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We were wondering when Sunday turned into laundry day. It is at our house, too! .

The Kitty Krew said...

One should never be in too big a hurry to give up the laundry basket...

Hey, we have an award for you kitties today on our bloggie - check it out when you have time between naps! :)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Anonymous said...

We fink that you should have your momma do the laundry cuz it's the warm an' fluffy stuff dat comes outta' the dryer that is the bestest☺

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, I bet those clothes have all kinds of nice smells on them, too. They probably remind you of your mama! My kitties love to sit on my clothes and knead them.

Samson, you are just too adorable for words!

loki said...

We love lazy. Sam please tell you mommy that you got an award (lili) from Jasmin and we are passing it on to you.

You look adorable.


Reese =^..^= said...

Don't do the laundry until you're god and ready, Samson!

Mouchois said...

Samson, you are looking so clean and floofy.
I just want to pet you so bad!

And I think you are doing a fine job of helping with the wash. Melvin just tries to jump in the dryer whenever he "helps".

The Creek Cats said...

Concatulations! You won our very first giveaway!! We will be emailing you shortly for your mailing address and product choices!

Anonymous said...

I like to wait until the laundry is clean, and then I lay on it! ~Crikey

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You poor boy! Laundry is a hard job!

My mom is lazy today! She stays up too late!

Anonymous said...

We like clothes piles too - dirty or clean.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I like the empty laundry basket!

Quill and Greyson said...

I love a clothes pile, daddy's when dirty and mom's when clean.

Baby Patches said...

Momma would luvs to puts da laundry off! MOL

I luvs to lays in it too hehe


Anonymous said...

Skeeter LOVES sleeping in the hamper of dirty clothes! (She's kinda gross!) Especially when our Dad gets home from work and takes off his sweaty, smelly socks and she just rolls all over them! Ewww.... Hope you enjoyed your LazyDay!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Samson, you are just like our tuxie Kirzon - he loves laundry too - dirty or clean he will sleep in it - very much like you are in that last picture!