Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pretty Girls

Those adorable little girl kittens that live with Mommy's friend Jenn, sent over a package for Samson for his birthday on Monday.

And the gorgeous Jane and Alice from The Casbah Kitten sent this for him (I think it kinda looks like him!).

With all these pretty girls paying attention to Samson, maybe I should pretty myself up a tad.

No, that's not green in my eyes, it was the reflection!



The Island Cats said...

It was so nice of your furiends to send Samson some presents!

Flamincatdesigns said...

Happy Birthday Sampson!

Please stop by our blog, we are passing a fun award to you for your blog.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Ahh...Tommy said the little girls were gorgeous--while I think Delilah is BEAUTIFUL!


Mishkat said...

Ha ha - we think that penguin looks a little like Samson too! And we don't think you need to worry about other girls, Delilah - you are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY PURRDAY SAMSON!!! What kewl gifts you got! Delilah, there's NO need to worry, you are stunning Dahling! And, we hope you aLL gets lots of nommies today!!!

Sam and Andy said...

Delilah, we think you are BEAUTIFUL. Mom thinks so also....says you remind her of her Prissy (that was years before we came along.)
You and Samson have a happy Caturday.
We're just going to lay back and try to keep cool today. :)

The Florida Furkids said...

That penguin does look a bit like Samson!! We think you're always purrty!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

CCL Wendy said...

Don't worry Delilah! No other girls are prettier than you. They are just furiends.

Samson sure is lucky to have such thoughtful furiends, too. Did he share with Delilah?

The Kitty Krew said...

Those little kitten-girls are really cute, but there's no need to worry, Delilah, they're way too young for Samson. He knows a good thing when he has one, and he has a womancat with you.

We hope you're both having a good pre-birthday weekend celebration!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Anonymous said...

Delilah, you are naturally gorgeous! Samson got some wonderful Birthday gifts, didn't he?

Mouchois said...

You are too lucky to have gotten an adorable little tuxedo bird! Happy happy birthday!!!

Melvin and I would like to thank you for your prayers and thoughts on Thursday. I honestly feel that he recovered so well with the help of all his friends sending good vibes. We actually ended up finding that his innards grow faster than his outsides. This makes his blood sugar fluctuate and also causes neurological problems. Imagine that! Thankfully all of our vets agreed that he should grow out of it.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That little penguin is so cute. I bet Sampson will have lots of fun playing with that.. You dont need tidying up, you are lovely as you are..

Hugs GJ xx

BeadedTail said...

The penguin certainly does look a little like Samson! And Delilah, the kittens are cute and Jane and Alice are adorable but you are so beautiful that you don't need to worry about anykitty paying attention to Samson!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Samson has all the pretty girls lining up, but don't worry, you are beautiful.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We think Samson has eyes only for you Delilah!

Misha said...

I'm sure you'll always be his #1 lady, Delilah!

Anonymous said...

Us other LadyCats don't hold a candle to you, Deli. We can't wait to wish our dear Samson a H-B on Monday!

Reese =^..^= said...

Wow! That Samson is making a haul and making all the girl kitties take notice.

Quill and Greyson said...

You have nothing to worry about Delilah, Samson loves you. We can just love from a far.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Delilah, you dont' need to pretty up - you are already gorgeous! Those little kitties were super cute though!