Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tortie Tuesday

My little brother Samson turned 3 yesterday and, since Tortie Tuesdays are all mine, he asked me to thank everyone for the birthday wishes!

Wanna know what the best part about his birthday was? Well, Samson may be young, but he's a little lazy. He gets pooped easily and there were SO many toys to play with. I am very active and I'll play until I fall over from exhaustion!

As soon as Samson would take a break, that's when I took over.

Jane and Alice, you were right. I love the ball!

The skulls are great too!

Oh, look at this! There's that fat penguin all by himself!

I think I'll but the bitey on him...

The Casbah Kittens make great toys. They are made really well and can even hold up in the face of a vicious Tortie attack!


P.S. I just found out that Tasha's brother Franklin has bronchitis, so please send some purrs over to make sure he gets better soon!


Karen Jo said...

Delilah, please tell Sampson that I wish him a very Happy Belated Birthday! It's great when the birthday boy gets pooped out playing and you can have your pick of his new toys.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Delilah, it is good that Samson gets pooped out playing. You are looking good there!

Misha said...

I love the Casbah Kittens toys, too! I've just reviewed one of their toys on my blog.

The Creek Cats said...

Fun Fun Fun! We love our pink panties from the Casbah Kitten. Now the foster kittens are enjoying them too!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool that you get to play with his toys! Thank you both SO much for such super posts about our toys, we're glad that you are enjoying them! We love the photo of you putting the bitey on Mr. Penguin!

jane & Alice

CCL Wendy said...

Good for you for getting in on the action, Delilah! There are so many toys, they should be shared.

I guess Samson got worn out with all the partying or something.

Yes, that penguin is awfully cute, isn't he?

The Kitty Krew said...

Haha, we knew you'd get to play with Samson's toys!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Florida Furkids said...

How nice of Samson to let you play when he was done...those skulls look like fun!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

What a good sibling you are. You wait until the birthday baby is asleep to play with the toys!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a purrfect day! We love the skull toys you have, our mom wants to buy them for us. And yeah...we have an award for your on our page!

loki said...

Delilah, lucky you to be able to play with his toys. I'm like your brother, I'm lazy too! Have a great day with the new toys.


Reese =^..^= said...

Delilah, I'm so glad you got to join in on the fun. The good part is that Samson will never know...he's sleeping. tee hee

Anonymous said...

It was nice of you to pass along Samson's thanks, and it was nice of Samson to snooze so that you could play with his toys! Lucky you! That penguin does look like fun!

The Island Cats said...

Delilah...one of the benefits of your sibling having a birthday is that you get to play with all his presents too! What fun!

Sam and Andy said...

Yay, Delilah, we're so happy Samson is sharing his toys with you.....even if you have to wait until he's napping.......:)

You're looking mighty fine, Delilah.....


BeadedTail said...

We love Casbah Kitten toys too so it's great that you can enjoy Samson's toys while he's pooped!

We hadn't heard about Franklin but are going right over there to send him get well wishes!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Its so good to share... But when he wakes up I bet he wants them back..

Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

We're happy that Samson's birthday was a huge success! By the way, that penguin doesn't look so good. Maybe you should put him on ice. Heehee! Have you named him? We suggest that you call him Chilly Willy:)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a good way to share!

Sweet Purrfections said...

It looks like you were having fun sharing the toys.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Delilah it is good that you are there to fill in and play with the toys when Samson gets tired!

I hope that Franklin will be ok - we will send our purrs and prayers and good thoughts out to him!