Monday, July 27, 2009

Samson is Three!

I'm three years old just like Delilah and Mommy (except Mommy has a 4 in front of her 3)!!

We had such a party!

Thank you Ann from Zoolatry for making me this really nice graphic to help me celebrate

First I'll start with my gifts

Jane and Alice from The Casbah Kitten sent me this amazing fat penguin!

Thank you, girls! I LOVE it!

Mischa and Pasha gave me this cool furry snake and treats! Thank you!

Deli got me these skulls! She wanted me to open the package right away so we could play together!

Mommy got me the big pickle!

Guess what The Ball Guy bought me? Yep, a ball. I should of figured that.

I'm the luckiest cat in the world! I hope I turn 3 again next year.

I have so many toys, I don't know where to start!

Whimpurr from Whimpurr's Whim (where that pretty Miss Annie lives) sent me this nice badge

All my friends are welcome to come by for treats and toys! Being 3 is awesome!



loki said...

Dear Samson,

Wishing you a great Birthday! You are so lucky, you got so many gifts.
I will like to go over your house next year for your Birthday!

Have a great day Samson!

Big hugs and a lot of purrrrrs,


Cheyenne -Millie said...

Happy birthday Samson! You got lots of wonderful presents! Great penguin!

The great thing about birthdays is that they come every year! But that can be both a blessing and sad.... we get smarter but older!

Thanks for inviting me and others for some treats and toys!

Misha said...

Happy birthday, Samson! What a wonderful pile of pressies. I wouldn't know what to play with first

Anya said...

Happy Birthday :)
Three years Wow!!
So young ..... LOL
Have a great fun time ,
you have so many new toys,
ENJOY ^__^

purss Kareltje =^.^=

Lisa said...

happy birthday samson! what wonderful presents you've received! you are truly loved!

Cat with a Garden said...

Happy Birthday from all of us here, dearest Samson. It sounds like becoming three is mighty cool. Pawsome presents you got there. Enjoy your day!
Siena & Chilli

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Samson!!! We hope you have a great day with all your presents!!

(pee ess. Samson, I'm gonna fly over on my boogie mat and celebrate with you today! ~Ernie)

The Creek Cats said...

Happy Purrthday, Samson!!

Look at all those great gifts you got! Wow! We are on our way over to play wif you!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Happy Birthday, Samson! Looks like you got some great gifts!! If ya send any of em to Dallas.... :) Enjoy!!


Everycat said...

Happy Birthday Samson! What wonderful gifts. Guess what, you don't need to be 3 again next year, because being 4 is even more awesome! Have a lovely fun filled day!

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...


You have gotten such wonderful presents. Enjoy your special day!!!

Sniffs & Scrathces~~~
The Kool~Kittie~Krew

BeadedTail said...

Happy Birthday Samson! You got lots of great gifts on your birthday and you even got Temptations! What a great day! We hope you have a wonderful birthday and many, many more!

Angel turns 3 next week and now she's really looking forward to it!

CCL Wendy said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Purrthday Samson -- there's a happy for each year of your life! And we hope it keeps on being just as happy efurry year from hereon in!

Mishkat said...

Happy Birthday, Samson! You deserve all those gifts and more! We are wishing you many happy returns.

Big purrs from Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha (and Katie)

Whitey said...

Happy Birthday, Samson! You got lots of loot! Whitey wishes me wuz 3!

Sam and Andy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAMSON......what a wonderful day you are having....aren't birthdays fun???

We made a card for you for your birthday and have it posted on our blog......wanted to e-mail it to you, but our Mom couldn't seem to find a way to do that.....sometimes she's really "blond" (we refuse to use the "s" word) but we love her :)

We hope you will drop by and see your card.

Luv from us,

Tybalt said...

Happy Birthday, Samson!

The Creek Cats said...

Samson, you should enter Boris Kitty's birthday picture contest!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birfday Samson!!!! You got cool toys...I wonder when I'll turn 3? I want cool toys, too!


Dearest Samson,
You got some great presents!
xxx ooo

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You got some pawsome gifts! Hope you had a very Happy Birthday!

Daisy said...

Happy birthday, Samson! I hope you have an extra-special day!

The Crew said...

Oh wow, happy purrthday!! Those are great purrthday presents. I'm 3 years old too. It's a good age to be.

Your friend

CCL Wendy said...

Hi, it's me again! I've done some LOLs of Samson, and some of Dylan because they share this birthday.

So check in at the LOLSpot to take a look!

Here's the link:

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Happy Happy birthday Samson.. Youi got a lovely mix of presents there.. Enjoy...

Hugs GJ xx

Reese =^..^= said...

Happy Birthday,Samson! It's great to be three. You really got some nice prezzies. Better than that, you've really got some nice furriends. Thanks for inviting me to your party.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy purrfday Samson. You are a lucky mancat to get so many gifts. We hope you had a great day.

The Kitty Krew said...

Happy happy birthday, Samson!! We're delighted you got so many cool toys for your birthday.

Thanks for the party invite, we're on our way with more treats to add to the stash!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Samson! We're so excited for you! What a wonderful cache of presents you got:) Here's a song just for you.

Happy Birthday to you
You belong in a zoo
With lions and tigers
And Monkeys like you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Yooooouuuuuu,

Happy Birthday to Yoooouuuuuu,

Happy Birthday dear Samsonnnnn,


We're so glad you had a wonderful, toy filled birthday! Dude....milk it for all it's worth!! *wink*

jane & Alice

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...



Hey, our Sam's name is:

Sam Sun Taylor

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Birthday Samson! What a nice bunch of gifts you got! I'll come right over and play with you and Delilah!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy birthday, Samson! Hope it was a special day.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Happy Birthday Samson!! Three is a great age to be.

Keep the celebration going all week...we'll be there soon!!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Belated 3rd Birthday Samson and many, many, many moooooore!! We love all the cool gifts you got!! Enjoy playing with them!
Your FL furiends,

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Samson I can't belive I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday on your actual birthday! But I do want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday! It looks like you had some great presents and a great day!!