This is how we work. Mommy has kept the torn up computer chair so that either Delilah or myself can work right beside her.
It can get pretty tedious at times, but I'm rarely distracted.
Most of the time, I approve of her work.
But sometimes, I just have to object!
She does a pretty good job helping out so I want to say 'Thank you, Mommy!'.
It's very important to snoopervise your PA. Good help is so hard to find.
When we're blogging I sit on Mummy's lap and Cosmo sits on the desk next to the computer.
That is very thoughtful of you, Samsom. Give credit where credit is due.
You are so sweet to thank your mommy for all of her hard work, Samson!
We agree, Samson. It is very important to snoopervise when Mom helps us with our posts. Sometimes, Gandalf akshully needs to sit right on Mom's mouse hand.
You have your own computer chair! That is so cool! Thanks for sharing your blogging style. You are a very smart manly cat!
Samson, it's a good thing that you snoopervise your mom so closely. Never know what they'll get up to, otherwise...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
It is EXTREMELY important to supervise, especially when they are YOUR thoughts being typed! There's lots of conspiracies out there stemmed from false statements, so you always have to be on top of things! Our mom does a pretty good job herself! You sure are one handsome cat!
We think it's a good idea to supervise, even though we think your mom does a really good job. You never know what those moms are going to write!
And we also think you and Deli are very lucky to have your own computer chair - we actually get KICKED OFF when mom is working on our posts! (Talk about unfair!)
You hafta snoopervise the blogging...otherwise your mom might say something about you that's gotta monitor that stuff...
You guys do a good job! And so does your mom!
That is very nice of you to tell Mom thanks!
You are a very beautiful cat and also a very polite one too. No wonder your mum loves you so..
Hugs GJ xxx
Yes, these "moms" have to be snoopervised when it comes to these posts.
And we are now asking our mom for our own chair!!!!!!
Samson, you are such a sweet Mancat to give your mom credit for typing your posts. You do a great job snoopervising her and it was so nice of her to give you and Delilah your own chair!
Your mommy makes very beautiful pictures :)
You are a pfoto model :)
purss Kareltje =^.^=
Samson, you adorable floof-beast, you! You are very good at dictating what you want your mama to post. And she does a fairly good job of transcribing it for you! All in all, well done!
Your Mom is the bestest!
That's so cool that you have your own chair for using the computer! We have to take turns squeezing in behind Momma on the chair.
It's great how you supervise---humans need that--your face tells us the whole story, Samson! As a ManCath should!
That was a great photo shoot! Your so handsome!!
Also, I gave you an award! If you would like it you can pick it up on my blog! It's ok if you can't or don't want!
Samsom, you look so serious when you supervise your mommy! Very sweet to give credit to your mommy too!
You look pretty shocked Samson, wonder what you had to edit?
Humans can't be expected to do anything without proper guidance and direction!! Good job Samson!
Oh Samson you are such a good snooperviser! I am sure your mom really appreciates it!
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