Friday, July 17, 2009

We're Rich!

We're getting $5.00 a week each for allowance!! Mommy, of course, is paying for all of our food, shelter, vet bills and treats and she says she still will buy us some toys because it's one of her favorite things to do, so this is money for Deli and I to play around with. She said we can buy extra toys, donate to charities, enter contests or save up for big things.

Deli wanted $10.00, and she might be mad, but I talked Mommy up from $3.00 a week to this!

Can you imagine the kinds of things you can buy with $5.00 a week? I bet I can get at least 20 bags of treats and a toy mousie on the side!

Mommy showed us The Casbah Kitten's Etsy store, so this week I'm going to spend my allowance by picking out a finishing touch for Angel, Isabella and Sadie's Paw it Forward box. Maybe I can woo those girls with a token of my affection. Little Alice and the beautiful Jane help their Mom run The Casbah Kitten store and part of their proceeds go to an animal rescue group every month. Mommy thinks that's a great way to start spending our allowance!

A couple of weeks ago, Mommy ordered from Baby Patches' store. We got a lot of cool stuff but Delilah keeps trying to steal my Plague Rat. We've got some video of us enjoying the toys we got from Supplies Just 4 Pets store and we're going to post that soon. Mommy just has to edit some stuff...

I'm going to sit on my Plague Rat and keep an eye out for Deli!

Delilah is acting very suspicious ever since we got our money. She was doing something secret online with Mommy and she kept looking over her shoulder to see if I noticed anything... I will let you know if I find out what's going on.



Cheyenne -Millie said...

You did a good job to get your allowance up to $5.00!

I wonder what Delilah and your mom were doing online!

That is a handsome picture of you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys ARE rich! Our allowance isn't nearly as much
*looks pointedly at Momma*
but I suppose that's OK because we're spoiled rotten anyways.

Thank you so much for the mention of the shop!! We LOVE making toys and we LOVE seeing cats enjoy our toys!!!

jane & Alice

Anya said...

I play many times with toys
from the casbah kitten :)

Thats nice for you that you
are RICH ... LOL

Misha said...

$5 a week?! I'm gonna have to ask Mummy for a raise!

I highly recommend the jellybeans from the Casbah Kittens!

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow! 5 whole dollars a week is pawsome! Great job! You guys will be able to buy lots of cool stuff!
Our mom said she would go broke if we all got 5.00 per week, LOL! Hopefully we can still talk her into it.

Whitey said...

Each? Whoa. Whitey thinks you can do many wonderful things with that many monies, Samson!

CCL Wendy said...

Good negotiating there, Samson! $5 a week isn't bad at all, especially when you already have all the necessities in life -- this is just gravy (so to speak), although you could buy some gravy with it if you wanted to.

You do indeed look very suspicious in that picture. Now I'm curious what Delilah is up to, as well. Maybe she's spending her part of the allowance!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

5 bucks a week? Hmm. Think we need to talk to Tommy about coughing up some dough. We do ALOT around here...and what is going with the online? Intrigue!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Mmmm what is going on on line, that is very interesting, please keep us posted..

You get pocket money.. Mummmmm.

I will have to get the union in on this..

Hugs GJ xx

The Island Cats said...

Can you guys come over here and negotiate a good allowance for us??

Mishkat said...

Great negotiating there, Samson! And watch out for Deli stealing toys - torties are notorious for that! (Sitting on it is a good way to protect it.)

We like Casbah Kitten's toys too - Dobby likes the pickle, and Franklin adores the jellybean! (We're trying to talk mom into buying us a whole package of the jellybeans.) And we know Isabella and Angel are very fond of them, so that's a great choice!

Anonymous said...

HOLY SMOKES!!! We don't even get allowance. I think we're gonna have to have a sit-down with our mom. AND, $5.00??? You ARE rich! Just think, you can stockpile all of your money they have a TON to go shopping with! Yippee~Yahooey

The Crew said...

(gasp) You have $5.00 to spend?! I'll be right over. I'll bring my pink purse and we can go shopping.

Your friend

The Crew said...

Hi Monkey's Mom,

Yes, I prefer to be thought of as the "strong, silent type". And I'm not FAT, I'm big boned.

Max S.

Sam and Andy said...

Wow, $5.00 a week...that is great!!!! Happy spending!!!!

Reese =^..^= said...

Congratulations on the $5.00 a week!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is the first time Mom has looked at the toys at Casbah Kittens! She is impressed! Now, what was Delilah up to?

Jans Funny Farm said...

You get $5 ... a week .... each? We keep asking Jan for an allowance and ...


The Kitty Krew said...

We're glad you got a better allowance than what your mom was going to do! Way to bargain. And you're so sweet to use some of it for your paw it forward package.

We bet Deli has a good surprise for you, you know she loves you.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Shilgiah the Cat said... better make sure she's not spending your money online without your consent!!

Have a great weekend!

BeadedTail said...

Samson, you did a great job negotiating to increase your allowances! And we are very honored that you chose to spend some of your hard earned money on toys for us from Casbah Kitten! You are the sweetest, most handsomest mancat ever!

loki said...

This is good news, can you talk to my Nanny so far she spent only $10 dollars on me in the last two months.
If my calculation is's a dollar a week. OMG my Nanny is Cheap!!! PlEASE TALK TO HER OR TEACH ME HOW TO NEGOTIATE! Forgot to mention you look great!!!!


Daisy said...

All right! You did some real good negotiating!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We posted about our award! Thanks! Maybe if you got $5.00 you could get it up to $6.00!

Mouchois said...

Looks like you've got enough to buy a new toy EVERY week!

PS: I adore the Casbah Kitten's toys.

Anonymous said...

We wish we could get an allowance! You two are really lucky:) Still, we guess we're spoiled rotten even without an allowance.

Pee Ess: Thank you for your kind words for our Mama:) Her ear is feeling much better.

Noll's Nip said...

That's way cool!

Baby Patches said...

$5.00 a week is pawsome!! Good job gettings it up from $3 to $5! Thanks for mentionings our store and maybe you will be able to gets more toys from us wif your allowance in da futures!

Can't waits to sees da video!


Quill and Greyson said...

Oh boy how exciting!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh, I love both of those stores! We have ordered from Baby Patches and can't wait to get some stuff from the Casbah Kittens! You should also check out Melvin's mom's store on Etsy - they have cute kitty toys too!