Friday, July 24, 2009

Fuzzy Friday

No, we haven't gotten into the nip too early! We got this idea from our friends, Franklin, Dobby and Tasha over at Mishkat. They had a post with blurry close-ups. You can see that post if you click here

We thought it would be fun to to show some of the fuzzy photos and outtakes that didn't quite make the grade and that Mom just couldn't delete. She has hundreds, but here are a few of her favorites.

We're gearing up for Samson's birthday weekend and his birthday on Monday so we're very excited! Mommy whispered to me that the stuff we ordered from Casbah Kitten for Sammy's birthday arrived today just in time. I was worried I waited too long to order; thankfully they ship really fast! Jane and Alice even included a gift for Samson from them! They are so sweet! We can't show you the pictures yet because Samson might check out the blog before then, but I promise you'll see all the cool stuff on Monday!

Have a good weekend!



Cheyenne -Millie said...

We loves the fuzzy photos! My mom saves some of those too.

We look forward to seeing what Samson will get for his birthday!

Anonymous said...

We love outtakes! We do not think Mom have ever deleted a photo unless it was completely unrecognizable!

We also enjoyed your Mom post! Mom is also a cat and dog magnet. They all just seem to know how much she loves them all! We are not letting Mom do a Mom post on our blog since she has her own blog! hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Those are great fuzzy photos! Momma has a bunch of those too. We're excited about Samson's birthday and can't wait to see the surprise on his face when he opens his prezzies!!!

jane & Alice

We'd better start practicing singing Happy Birthday.......

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Fuzzy or no--you both are still so fine!

Happy birthday Samson!


The Creek Cats said...

The last photo is our fav!! We will have to search for our outtakes too!

Can't wait to see all the great stuff you got Samson for his purrthday!

Cory said...

My mom saves EVERYTHING so we have a bazillion outtakes! Maybe this will encourage her to post them because yours are adorable!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those photos are fun. Mom has a computer full of ours!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

CCL Wendy said...

Very cool outtakes! I can see why you're mom couldn't part with them!

And we're so excited to see what you're gonna get for your birthday, Samson!

We'll come by, fur sure, on Monday to wish you a Happy Purrthday! Have a great weekend, too, anticipating!

loki said...

You do the same too, we cannot delete the photos. This is a great idea! So nanny can stop taking my pictures at least for one day and she can display my blurry one. We love your photos!
We cannot wait to see your gift that you will be getting on your birthday!

Big hugs and a lot of purrrrrs,


Anonymous said...

The fuzzy photos are awesome! Especially the last one. Our mommy had to do a doubletake, because it looked SO much like Scooter. We hope you guys all have a blast this weekend, partying it up!!!

The Island Cats said...

Haha! Our mom is keeping a whole folder full of bad pictures of us that we're gonna post one day! She sez that for every good picture of us, there's at least 5 bad ones!

Mishkat said...

We like them all! Our mom saves lots of blurry photos - sometimes they are the best.

And we're looking forward to seeing the presents - we know they will be great!

P.S. here was our post - we did photoshop on them:

Sam and Andy said...

Even when fuzzy you are beautiful Delilah and Samson is we need to tell our Mom to dig out all our fuzzies.....have a purrrrrrrfect Friday.

BeadedTail said...

We love your fuzzy photos! Delilah's beauty is always obvious and we love Samson in a box and with floof in his face! We can't wait to see his birthday presents!

Reese =^..^= said...

The outtakes are usually the picturs that tell the real story. I can't wait to see what Samason gets for his birthday!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We gots lots of fuzzy pictures, too! WE can't wait for the party!

Anya said...

(I have also hundreds .... LOL)

Great idea
The shots are lovely and cute :)

Kareltje =^.^=

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are cute out takes. We like the last one where you are looking out over the top of your furrs.

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom is a ruthless deleter but she actually loves when a photo is just a bit out of focus. Looks dreamy she thinks.

Oh Boy Samson's Birthday! I am so excited, can't wait to see how much he'll love his presents.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Cool out takes. We haven't thought about doing that!

The Kitty Krew said...

Those are fun outtakes! Our Mommy never deletes anything unless it's an obvious bad shot - the floor instead of one of us 'cuz we ran before she could press the button or something - so we have some outtakes that could be posted too. Sounds like a good "we don't know what else to post today" kind of post. MOL

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Anonymous said...

It's comforting to know that other kittes are getting their fuzzy on! We've got lots of those fuzzy wuzzy ones too:)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh I love the fuzzy photos, and we all have them so it is nice to see someone else has them too!