She has been watching us eat and because I eat faster than Samson, I used to go check out what he had left on his plate - I didn't force him to leave, he just did. It was easy pickins'! Now things have changed and the new routine is, Mommy stands there until we're both done and stands guard while Samson eats in peace. I want everyone to know that I'm being a good girl and even though my first reflex is to go ravage his plate, when Mommy says 'wait', I wait. She was very surprised that I did this so willingly, but I am surprised that she was surprised! After all, I love that little guy, and when he's not feeling well, he doesn't like to play as much.
Mommy has separated our plates more and sets it up so that I can't see what he's doing and vice-versa. Notice how I hold his tail with mine while we eat (I'm trying to keep him stress-free).
He still checks to see what I'm doing, but I'm too busy eating to notice!
We'll work this out so that Samson gets better really soon!
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
ahhh...I love you're holding Samson's tail! Shows how much you do care for him...I know you're a good girl--and your Mommy knows that!
You're such a good girl, Delilah! And the tail holding is too cute!
I love the tail holding.
That is so sweet that you hold tails while you eat! We're so glad that you're going to help Samson get better. Alice is the food hog here, and jane steps back, but there are always crunchies in the dish so it's not an issue (yet). I hope Samson recovers very soon!!
You are such a sweet sister and we sure hope that Samson gets feeling better very soon! *purrs*
Deli, you are so sweet holding your brofur's tail and letting him eat his food! We hope his stress is down now and that he's feeling better!
You two holding one another's tails is priceless. I am sure Samson is so happy to have you by his side during this time, Delilah. You're a great companion for any cat.
The tail holding photo is SO cute! You really are a good girl for listening to your mom too - and you're a great sisfur! I know you'll be able to work it out.
P.S. We left you an award on our blog - it's just for fun!
Delilah! We love how you hold Samson's tail! And we think it's very polite of you to wait when your mom asks you to...we don't know if we'd be as polite...
We sure hope Samson is back to his normal self soon!
Yep, FIC can be brought on by stress as your mewmie be nice, keep your tortie-tude on calm, ok. Did our mewmie send your mewmie some links on FIC? If not, when she gets home she will email em to you...
That is so sweet of you to hold his tail for comfort! We knew you were a lady and would not take his food when you were ask not to.
What a good girl you are being, Delilah -- trying to keep your brofur stress-free! That's very impawtant!
I'm sure you understand more of what your mommy says than she thinks. Kitties sure aren't stupid, are they?
And what a touching gesture to hold tails while you're eating! So sweet!
Its tail love,
soooooo sweet ....
Lovely shots !!
We know that you're a good girl, Deli. Samson will get his problems worked out in good time. That tail holding brought a smile to our faces:)
Delilah, you have good manners! Sometimes it is hard to resist the urge to ravage the foods!
You are being very good Delilah, and your tail on his must be very comforting to him.
Oh Delilah how sweet are you! Hold his tail, that made us well-up over here.
We are melting over the pic of you holding Samson's tail with your tail, Delilah!
We are very impressed with how well you restrain yourself from ravishing Samson's leftovers! None of us are that polite! You have a lot of will power. You go girl!
Awwww, that tail-holding is adorable!! :) You're a good girl, Delilah, minding your mommy and not eating Samson's food. Extra tortie hugs to you from Callie.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
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