I am, after all, the queen of this household, so I suppose it is good to have a few royal photos to adorn the blog.
Now she thinks that I look like I'm posing for a Sears photographer! I've decided that humans are impossible to please!
I'm tired now, Mommy. Take a hint.
Those are very royal poses!
Deli you are a beautiful tortie ladycat!
Love the pics! My what big teef you have :) All the better for biting Samson eh... ;)
I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it... I LOVE Tuesday!! *happy sigh*
Wonderful glamma shots ~ yoo cud be a cover gerl!
Wow, Delilah, when you decide to pose, you really do it well! Fabulous! We hope you got treats for that photo shoot!
Oh Delilah, those are terrific pictures. You should pose more often. You could become famous.
Have a great day.
Delilah...those are beautiful pictures of you!
Deli, those are gorgeous photos - Tasha says you are definitely supermodel material (although our mom laughed out loud at the "Sears photographer" comment!)
P.S. Love the yawn! We posted one of Tasha's today too - it must be that time of year.
Great photos Delilah. Did your Mom take the hint when you yawned in her face?
Delilah, those are beautiful photos of you! You are so gorgeous!
*sigh*....you are beyond beautiful, Delilah!!!!!!!! Thank you for the wonderful poses!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
Deli makes my world go round.
Wow - you should be on the cover of Cat Fancy!
Delilah, a kitty as beautiful as you should pose all the time, if just to makes the rest of us feels more humble.
WOW~!!! Those pictures left us speechless!
We couldn't access your blog for some reason yesterday...so we'd like to say that we LOVE both days pictures.
Sampson, you are comfy sleeping anywhere, anyway, anytime! MOL! Mommy cracked up at you squeezed into the ceramic backet.
And Delilah, from the ManCats here: Hubba Hubba Meow!
Deli you are so beautiful! Your remind me so much of my Angelina Stripe - just did a post about her - I totally adore torties.
For all the folks (I consider cats and dogs as persons) reading this, my blog has stories and information helpful for cat helpers everywhere.
I pray that all the cat blogosphere kitties will remain well!
You should definately pose more often Miss Delilah.....I think you created quite a stir with the Mancat viewers.
Love the yawn...you look quite fierce.
I would never question who was in charge in your house, Deli!
Those are lovely photos of you Delilah. You posed beautifully.
Thank you for posing Delilah! I bet your mom still pesters you for more photos. You are such a beautiful girl!
*cat calls* Looking hot Deli!
What beautiful pictures. Although, we don't blame you for getting a little bored!
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