Do you remember that yawn-squeak that Mommy talked about and was trying to capture on film? Well, she was beginning to think it was as difficult to get video of as the Loch Ness Monster! She tried everything she could and it just didn't work. The Ball Guy tried once and, well, he got it!
You may have to turn up the volume a bit to get the full effect. Mommy thinks this is the cutest thing, so I often use it to get squeezes and extra treats!
The Ball Guy told Mommy that she tried too hard to get it and that I knew what she was trying to do. Actually, I just liked that he called me Mr. Sam!
That is seriously cute, Mr Sam! I see why your Mummy fusses over you so much when you do it.
We just love all your wonderful and handsome furs!!! And the video was nice!
That is just the cutest yawn-squeak! We can't believe the ball guy got it in his first try!
Have a nice weekend, Mr. Sam.
Purrs, Siena & Chili
Mr. Sam, we usually keep our audio muted but we turned it up just for you! That is so cute (and we like the Ball Guy's commentary, too!)
Happy Friday from
Mr. Dobbs
Miss Tasha
and Prince Franklin :)
Such a tiny sound coming out of such a big, floofy mancat! It is adorable, though. The Ball Guy rules! Just curious why he's called The Ball Guy -- does he only have one?
We don't usually comment on our own posts but Mom is laughing and we're sure The Ball Guy is cringing somewhere. He's called 'The Ball Guy' because he plays fetch with Delilah. We've heard Mommy call him 'Brad', though.
She said 'thank you' Wendy for making her laugh :)
Mommy burst into fits of giggles when she watched your video!!
WOW! You really DO look B~I~G!!! And as for the yawn??? The cutest thing we've heard all day! King sometimes makes this little squeak meow and our folks think it's ridiculous! LOL Hope you guys have a funfurr-filled weekend!
Mr. Sam, that was so awesome. I can see you know your name very well too. The Ball Guy sure seemed happy that he got that on video.
Its a BEAUTIFUL shot from you,
Wow!! you are a BEAUTY :)
The video was great,
thanks it makes us smile ^__^
Loved your yawn-squeak, Mister Sam.....:)
Mr. Sam, you're awesome!! (And funny comments about The Ball Guy...we'd wondered about the nickname but were too shy to ask!)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
YO, Sam, er, Mister Sam... that was awesome! Yer floof reminds Mom of Grayson's. So Floofilicious!
How long does it take you to clean yourself, Sam? My goodness! Those frontal shots of you always make me shudder. You're quite a large mancat!
Super cute video! My human pet enjoyed it!
Haha! So cute, Mr. Sam! I do that too! Now mom wants to try to get me on video doing it!!!
I heard it, I heard it, Sam! I mean, MISTER Sam!
That is such a sweet squeak ! WE are glad the Bald Guy got it!
Oh, that is a cute squeak! I love when kittys squeak but that is the first yawn-squeak I ever heard!
Hahaha. That's always how it is. THe men ALWAYS have to show up the girls. :P
Adorable squeaky!
Mr. Sam that was the cutest yawn squeak.
Samson ... Whimpurr falls more in love with you every day!
Your Ball Guy says "yo"? Whoa! Heeheehee
Pee Ess: That was a great yawn-squeak!
I heard your cute squeak Mr. Sam! You sound so sweet!
Our mommy is laughing so hard about the question about The Ball Guy!
Oh my I think I may faint... Oh Samson you are just the cutest!
And when you are THAT cute I just bet you get cuddled lots, too!
Awww look at all that floofiness. Awesome.
That is too wonderful! I like how you turned when you heard your name (I still refuse to acknowledge mine at times) and just did it. LOVE it! BEAUTIFUL!
P.S. Re your comment on our toy post, our mom should have said "one NEW toy" at a time. She sometimes takes a bunch of the old ones away and stores them in a big jar with some catnip in the bottom - this makes them "new" to the cats after a while.
And she has the same vacuuming problem too - she tries to throw them all back in the cat cube (aka toy storage), but there are always a few surprises!
We loved the video! You are so cute!
Hope the weather is better today!
Have a great weekend!
Big hugs to all of you!
What a great yawn squeak!
Hello the Monkeys,
This is good news, nice weather for tomorrow. The weather man has compared the climate over here to be like spring not summer. About the cookie, the mommy will ship the toy this week, it does look good! I cannot wait to taste it. You guys look so majestic!
Wishing a great night!
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